Neglecting things you shouldn't.


Staff member
I think we all neglect certain things but sometimes when you find stuff that you shouldn't neglect then it really sucks. I was washing dishes and realized that there was stuff coming out of my dish strainer and was like oh let me check this. Yeah I probably should have cleaned that a while ago but it was pretty bad. So this week the goal is spring/fall cleaning to try to get everything done that I should have gotten done a long time ago. Does anybody else neglect certain things and tell they get to the point where they have to do them right then?

A professor of mine from college use to tell us all the time, The problem with procrastinating is that you never get a ting done.

As I was getting sick back in 2019 things with school were getting bad and It took a lot to just get by. Now I am not in school and looking back I wish I would have taken a break and gotten myself healthy. Now it is not so much procrastinating for me, more like I am in so much pain or having so many accidents that if I do some of my housework I would make a bigger mess.
FLGuy - I can commiserate with you there. I have to do very small chunks of housework at a time and then rest as my back hurts so bad when I stand for over 3 minutes. I have had to stop slicing onions because my strength is so gone. I've cut my finger twice lately when the knife slipped as I was pushing downward. I've been fortunate lately that I have had few urinary accidents. I just have made it a thing to go to the bathroom every hour.
I start physical therapy next month for curvature of the spine and hoping that will help. I know that means after each appointment then I'll be on my own to do the exercises. I will do them. I've done them before for the same thing. My current problems come mostly from just getting old and being out of shape. I just don't have any motivation to do anything. My biggest excitement is getting up in the morning and having a cup of double mocha cappuccino! I need to lose probably 20 lbs. but the doctor doesn't think so. I was planning to go on a KETO diet but for various reasons that hasn't been possible and she was discouraging about me starting the diet at 84. It's a depressing time for a lot of people.
I will open up and straight up admit I am sometimes awful taking care of myself. I have had heart issues for the past year or two and didn't want to get it checked because of how awful the local hospital was *Covid didn't help*, and on the other end I also used to wear my pullups too long after they were nearly/completely full, causing leaks. One day I forgot to get changed after a very huge bladder leak and it caused skin issues, which is just annoying. I decided to be more proactive and change when things are full now, even if its only for an hour or two before shower.

I can't tell you how many times I've had bladder leaks at work, its ridiculous when it gets busy. Half the time with my bladder leaks its due to I just know I should go to the bathroom but I want to finish my task, or keep talking, or..fill in the blank really. Its not on purpose though, hard to explain. I think my brain always says "It'll be fine" then that can go sour quickly. I don't always get an urge so its very hit or miss but when I do, I sometimes try to put it off ending badly.
Procrastination???? Yep! It happens all the time here with me, I have to admit!!! It's like with the maintenance stuff around the house or with my car and things of that nature.
But admittedly when it comes to going to the doctor and doing what he suggests, I'm generally right on it!! And that includes getting recommended shots.
I think I'll be due for a colonoscopy in another year. But....that may be something to put off??? That's not nearly as simple as just getting a flu shot!!!
And @ritanofsinger, your doctor has been wise in not pushing you to go on a diet. Sounds like she knows you and realizes that a diet may not be the "end all and be all" for everybody at certain stages of life. I like doctors who don't go by the book all the time.
@ICGamer, please try not to put off getting your heart checked if you can. You have only one heart and it's something very important to give it as good care as you possibly can!! I do understand your feeling that covid doesn't help, which it definitely doesn't and that is a very good point. But please don't let fear of covid get in the way of taking care of other important health considerations. If the local hospital is awful, would it be possible to go somewhere else?
As for the full pull-ups thing, yes, that does happen and it's not your fault. Having leaks is so unpredictable and I realize that life does get in the way sometimes when you should change them! I've been there and done that! The only thing we can do is to just keep trying our best!
ICGamer - We've probably all been there! It started for me as a young child. I didn't want to stop what I was doing to discharge my waste! I didn't want to take time away from playing to eat. As a teen and on I didn't want to stop what I was doing to sleep. I had too much I wanted to do! When I was 25 I was pregnant with a tumor, called a "mole" pregnancy. The doctor had advised me that it was too risky to take the benign tumor and it would expel on its on at about five months. One evening the kids were asleep, my husband was catnapping and I was making out my grocery list. I kept feeling the urge to go to the bathroom but I wanted to get that list finished for Bill in case "something" happened. Finally finished, I raced to the bathroom and the tumor came out. I hollered for Bill to help. I was hemorrhaging profusely. Bill had to call the doctor (at 11pm), arrange for a friend to stay with the kids and get me, with towels between my legs, to the hospital in Binghamton, NY, 30 miles away. We didn't even think of an ambulance and in fact there may not have been any. This was in 1963. The hospital staff gave me a blood transfusion and the next day a D&C. Then I was sent to a gynecologist who sent me to Roswell Park Memorial Hospital in Buffalo, 200 miles away. On and on. And after two years I was declared good to go with no malignancy. If I had gone to the bathroom immediately when I first sensed the need, it probably wouldn't have made any difference in the outcome. Sometimes though my perceived priorities are arbitrary!
@billliveshere What I meant by that is with Covid as you probably are familiar with, they shut down hospital visits, and appointments for awhile. When I needed help, the bigger wave came and I decided against doing it. I know right now that is top tier priority with the neurological stuff,but we will see where the path leads. First I have to meet my GP and hope they can fast track things but that may be an oxymoron. Glad to hear I am not alone with trying to hold off changing pullups. The good thing is I realize I can't really put it off anymore since my issues tend to show up daily now. Its interesting how things can come and go on a whim, or stay.
Hi @ICGamer, If it were me and I had to decide if and when to get a condition treated, I, too, would have hesitated when the bigger covid wave came along. Not only would I not have wanted to take the risk of covid but also it would have been difficult to see a doctor for any condition at that time, much less go to the hospital.
If the neurological issues keep bothering you then check it out but also try to ascertain what the covid status in your area is. For all we know the neurological issue could possibly be connected with the heart thing. But do tell your GP about your concerns, especially as they may relate to covid. Ask your doctor to be as candid as possible about that.
billliveshere - I just noticed there are three l's in your moniker! Now it makes sense. When Bill and I first moved to Albuquerque in 1986 we frequently drove past a mobile home sales lot. A very large sign at the entrance had a word on it that we had never seen before although we recognized it as Spanish in origin. I couldn't find it in my Spanish/English dictionary. We would say AMIGORV (with the accent on AM) when we went by. Then one day it made sense. From then on every time we passed there we laughed at our ignorance!

ICGamer -Having a doctor who doesn't equivocate when you ask about your health is a diamond! When my ailing husband told his doctor, "I don't know what is going on." Our long-time doctor said, "Bill, your body is breaking down." Hard for 80 year-old Bill to take, but at least he knew then what he was dealing with. Doctor John came to see him in Hospice in the following months. Dr. John had saved Bill's life several years before after Bill had gotten a bad diagnosis from a VA doctor who was doing an internship. Practicing to be a doctor so he could have a Medical Practice! Funny huh?
Hi @ritanofsinger, Whenever I see a user name I usually have to do a double take!!! I end up studying it and looking at it from all angles and then, voila! the name then makes sense. Otherwise it's just a random collection of words and more often than not it reminds me of a different language. So I guess I entered the fray on this one! If you can't beat 'em join 'em!!
@ICGamer, I was wondering the same thing!
@snow I don't work at a medical supply store, so I don't know what you are talking about. It'd be great if you would stop mentioning me.
@ICGamer But aren’t you Koigal?

I’ve given Koigal a lot of helpful support and tips but she’s vanished. Your style of writing and causes of incontinence are the same as Koigal’s, so I assumed she just took up a new name - your name; nothing wrong with that. She also games a lot, so I figured she was you, given that “gamer” is in the new name. I guess not. Sorry for trying to connect with you. It won’t happen again.
I think you've already picked the answer mentally either way :) if you are convinced I'm someone else thats fine , I'm not going to bother attempting to change your mind. Either way their profile is closed.
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