Staying Positive

snow said:
My cat (only 9 years old; my previous cats have all lived to be 17) has vomited (full meals, not hairballs) three times in 10-14 days. I’m freaking!!!!!!! out!!!!!! I’m giving him another week before I take him to the vet. If he throws up again in the next seven days, we’re going. I’m going to be very conscientious about not playing with him after meals in case anything like that is going on - in case he’s been getting dizzy after eating because our play may have coincided. I quit giving him tidbits of cheese or any human treats about a month ago. He’s had a very good life with tons of toys and high-quality food, with endless love and affection. I’ve had him since he was six months old. He has mostly been an indoor cat and has definitely been inside for the past six weeks. He’s never had anything wrong before. He doesn’t have access to anything poisonous to cats. At most times in my life, I’ve had a cat, but I’ve never had one vomit this much in such a short period of time. Last summer I had his “senior baseline levels” checked - his bloodwork labs - so they could compare them in his later years if necessary. He had one slightly elevated liver enzyme but they said that can happen from dental issues, and he was there to get some teeth pulled. They said they’d repeat that enzyme test again later, when his mouth wasn’t inflamed. If it isn’t from the dental inflammation, then it can be a sign of pancreatitis and/or early kidney disease. He’s too young for that 😬 But he hates the car and the vet so bad, I figured I’d wait a full year to go back. It’s a couple of months before the year mark. I can’t exactly afford it right now so I’d have to beg my mom for the money and that leads to so much shaming and blaming, it really isn’t worth it. I can’t tell you how many times I almost killed myself 5-7 years ago in my worst depression, but stayed alive because of my duty to, and love, of him, not to mention his love of me. I know this isn’t a cat forum, but you’re my friends and I trust you. Advice? Wait, or take him in tomorrow?
Hey, there's no reason we can't talk about our pets- be they cats or dogs, or whatever. Okay, maybe not snakes. Yeah, no snakes...
snow said:
He's beautiful. We (my landlord, to be honest and accurate, if you're counting...) just lost one of our cats- and he looked an awful lot like your fellow here. He had been feral and one day went off into the wild blue yonder; he has done this before, but my landlord doesn't think he's coming back this time. His name is Oli, but I always called him Golly. Hope yours is feeling much better, soon.
@jeffswet Thanks, Jeff. Sorry to hear a beastie in your life has gone astray. If I see him, I’ll send him home 😉
snow said:
@jeffswet Thanks, Jeff. Sorry to hear a beastie in your life has gone astray. If I see him, I’ll send him home 😉
Thanks! If you do see him,that would just about make him a world traveller. How is your cat, btw?
First off, loving the cat pics. Total cool

@Honeeecombs Total get the staying positive view. TBH when my bedwetting started so randomly in my teens I was like, what the, no way, WHY!!!!!! I didn't get it, the totality of the situation.

Fast forward to today, I still hate that I bedwet, but I know that it is beyond my control and that helps to come to terms with my bedwetting.

Like you I suspect, don't like that I have bladder issues, but accept and deal with them. As a friend who knows of my bedwetting issue once said, its only just a little bit of pee. No worries.
@jeffswet My cat is doing great; thank you! No more vomiting since I last posted. I created a log for when he does vomit so I can talk to the vet about it. I’ve been checking his pee and poo in his litter; no blood or diarrhea - whew! It seems he’s got a bit of osteoarthritis, but hey, he’s my age, and I have a ton of osteoarthritis, so that makes sense. I’ve been trying to reduce his calories. He’s supposed to lose two pounds. It’s hard to put pets on diets because I just want to make him happy when he begs!!!
@scififan: nice! I literally cannot wait for Hogwarts Legacy (regardless of all the JK Rowling nonsense) - so I am pumped for that as well.

I hope when this board gets modernized we can have certain sections where we can post more off topic stuff and post pictures of what games were playing and stuf/hobbies. I don't want to post too much off topic stuff on the main board here; but this has been a part of my social life in general for positive support.

@snow: that is so good to hear kitty is doing great again. I heard back from the program supervisor and while they said no to a cat - they said it was because another resident brought 3 strays in to another place they manage; and I've been telling them because I live in a not so great neighborhood and it's hard to get out as I don't have a car yet - I am lonely in my apartment. So my mom is having me get a doctor's note for a comfort cat which is what I've been telling them all along - but it seems if you don't have paperwork then they will automatically say no. (My case manager even understood and said I would get approved; but the supervisor put a kibosh on it and said to wait a full year).

Knowing how businesses and organizations work, even if I wait a year they will 99% chance of saying No again unless I get the paperwork of getting a service animal, so I'm better off just getting the papers and animal now rather than waiting for another denial.

I don't understand the world snow. I really don't.

@Honeeecombs I also had to get a letter from my psychiatrist and my vet saying that my cat was medically necessary. This is basically the rule at all apartments and condos around here, or they charge a $1,000 pet deposit and $500/month in pet rent. Having the medically necessary paperwork also means they can’t collect pet rent or a pet deposit in this state - a big help! That wasn’t possible in L.A., CA, where I paid a $500 pet deposit plus $200/month in pet rent. I think they had caps on those charges there, at least. My landlord made me get proof that he had all his shots recently and that he was registered in the city and state. I never even knew you had to register them in your specific city! I thought rabies was the only must. But of course I did it quickly and it only cost about five bucks! I hope you can get your kitty ASAP!!!!! Loki says he hopes so, too!
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