KingHenry, I was where you are 4 weeks ago. I called the place that took the catheter out, and told them I wanted them to put it back. I was waking up at night with a soaked pad and part of a pull up at least twice a night. I am now still wearing a pull up with a pad, and since I am now starting to get a warning signal that I need to pee or have squeezed out some fluid inadvertently, I can quickly just change out a pad without having to change everything. (Cheaper too) I was taking a product called prosta Genix which was a big help pre Surgery as far a sleeping thru the night. I know you and others will probably laugh, I did at myself, thinking that how can this work without a Prostate, but It helped immediately with staying dry through the night. When I get the signal when I wake up at a normal time, I better move, but still better than trying to go back to sleep at 4 AM. Help I got here with a nasty skin rash that developed from the pull ups. ZINC OXIDE was HUGE! Get some if you don't have it already. I get it about the tough feeling helpless. I was a control freak my whole life and then this. Stay determined! We are with you!