Clamps and plastic/vinyl pullups


Staff member
Two months following radical prostatectomy I continue to experience lack of control of my bladder. Urine seeps out and rushes out when I stand or lay down and then stand. I need frequent changes of underpants and pads. I understand that two months following this surgery is not long enough to regain bladder control. Still it is unpleasant and time-consuming.
I purchased a Wisner clamp and a Lundburg clamp. They are both similar and of some usefulness I tend to use them about two hours a day early morning and or early evening.
Would be interested to know others experience with clamps and if there are better or more effective clamping gadget. Also when I use my underpants I often wear boxer shorts to keep it in place. I have seen some vinyl and or plastic over pants being advertised but the reviews have not been positive. I would be interested in some recommendations.
Thank you very much for the help. This is a wonderful community
Hi Marcel,
This isn’t a clamp but may help. There is a underwear and solid sheath type system I used several years ago that worked pretty good and your skin stays dry. It’s called Afex. Do a google search and you should find it. NAFC has a resource catalog and that’s how I found it.
Hope this helps. It’s a reusable thing so the initial cost is a little bit but worth it. I think the company is Arcus Medical.
Good luck,
Plastic pants from adult cloth diaper are the best price and work really well. I wear them all the time and they are comfortable and keep me dry
I have used both the Lunderg and Wiesner clamps and albeit they are very similar. The Lunderg has a larger notch to clamp the urethra, which in my opinion, causes it to be more effective. I wear it all day, and I'm pretty much dry, but not at night. I will be having AUS surgery in the spring, so this is just a temporary solution until then. I am still doing 120 keegles every day, but I can't say it's doing much good. I had both radiation and the robotic, prostate removal surgery, so that's probably why the keegles aren't working for me.
@marcel You can use the magnifying glass at the upper left to search. Use the advance search to search within topics. You have to search with at least 4 characters. Try search clamp and clamps both.

I am taking a 4 day break from the Lunderg clamp so I can measure my pullup and pads usage before going back to the doctor.

I am 14 weeks / 3 months and am using 1 Northshore Go Supreme at night, 2 depend pulls, and 3 depend pads in 24 hours. I use pee cups when I stand at my computer and tv chair.

Kegels are very slowly helping. I think with added radiation your recover may be longer.

Below is a link to a recent discussion of Penile Clamp.

Hi and thank you for your response. My urologist indicated that it has to be a year following prosthetic surgery before the AUS procedure is done. Is that pretty much what your physician has indicated? Thanks again
The only information I have on clamps is from my urologist. He warned me to never use any type of device that would restrict the flow of urine due to potential damage. That included not only damage to the bladder and kidney, but also soft tissue damage - i.e. damage to the penis. He was adamant in his warning and I heeded his advice.
My urologist actually recommended the clamps as long as you release it every hour to hour and a half, which is what I do. I don use it at night. I haven't noticed any pain or any other problem, and have been using it for about 3 months now.

Regarding the AUS procedure, yes, my urologist said they won't decide which procedure to use (sling or AUS)until 1 year has passed to see if the keegles are successful.

It would be helpful if the medical profession would offer one opinion on these kind of issues, but we are where we are.
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