What's first


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I just had my catheter removed and I was shocked by my lack of bladder control. I have been active, healthy and positive right up to the time of my prostatectomy. I want to regain control of my bladder and enjoy life fully asap. Where do I begin?
Patience is your friend, it's major surgery. Try doing Labels, but frankly you can't even feel if you are doing them right for a few weeks. Get out and walk, you'll be soaked, but I really think it helped. I wore pull ups for about 4 weeka 3-4 a day at first. Then wemt to pads, I continued to walk amd do Kagles, after about 8-10 weeks I was just wearing a shield, totally dry by week 12. Also drink as little caffeinated and carbonated drinks as possible. Patieence and focus. Good luck.
Thanks Gkimp, I will suck it up and work for improvement. Tough feeling helpless at times. Patience I can do!
Same here brother, I wasnt prepared mentally, the Surgeon downplayed that particular side effect, but sucked it up, adapted until I could overcome! Important part, cancer free!
KingHenry, I was where you are 4 weeks ago. I called the place that took the catheter out, and told them I wanted them to put it back. I was waking up at night with a soaked pad and part of a pull up at least twice a night. I am now still wearing a pull up with a pad, and since I am now starting to get a warning signal that I need to pee or have squeezed out some fluid inadvertently, I can quickly just change out a pad without having to change everything. (Cheaper too) I was taking a product called prosta Genix which was a big help pre Surgery as far a sleeping thru the night. I know you and others will probably laugh, I did at myself, thinking that how can this work without a Prostate, but It helped immediately with staying dry through the night. When I get the signal when I wake up at a normal time, I better move, but still better than trying to go back to sleep at 4 AM. Help I got here with a nasty skin rash that developed from the pull ups. ZINC OXIDE was HUGE! Get some if you don't have it already. I get it about the tough feeling helpless. I was a control freak my whole life and then this. Stay determined! We are with you!
Hello. I recommend using the magnifying glass/search option to find nearly endless previous topics posted about this. You can search prostatectomy, prostate, prostate removal, prostate radiotherapy, etc. There you’ll find a wealth of information. People ask this question sometimes as often as every day but a minimum of once a week. To help you get started, I recommend some of the posts listed here:

Google search for Kegel exercise for men also Pelvic floor exercise for men

The search will return some exercises that you need to wait until you are cleared to work the lower abdomen usually six to 8 weeks, but the clench and release exercises can be started now. Typically in sets of 10 or 12 per day 3 to 5 times during the day.

Try reading these threads

Like the others have said....patience. I'm 4 months post op. Still wearing 1 new pull up each day and 1-2 pads per day. Everyday is different. Try not to look at the progress each day....look at it from week to week. Keep a log of how many pull ups/pads you're using. It helps to look back and see where you were. I'm happy with the progress. Many articles will say 3-12 months for complete healing. Hang in there. Life will get better.
Everyone told me to watch progress. Usually folks measure as how many pads used etc.
Wanting an objective measurement I started wearing pull-ups all fat and night. I changed on a fairly strict schedule.

I purchased a $20 scale that measures in grams. I know what a dry pull-up and disposal bag weigh.

I weigh the wet pull up in the bag and record the data. Started 4 measurements per day, then three, and now normally 2.

I put the data in an excel spreadsheet and ran a graph (yes I am a data nerd)

It’s a great way to chart progress.

Won’t work for a lot of people, but it works fir me.

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