I cannot give up my decaf coffee. I drink about 24 to 30 ounces most days. I’m also diabetic so I basically have given up sweet things. I don’t drink alcohol. I use virtually no salt. I eat massive amounts of vegetables. I have given up sooooo much, and I just will not give up my coffee. The last urologist I saw treated me like crap because I was “not willing to make lifestyle changes”. Yes, I’m a fat, elderly woman. That does not mean I don’t eat more healthy than he does! Aside from my decaf, I drink water. Period. I asked the urologist before this last one if he could state that I would no longer be incontinent if I gave up coffee. No, but he might not have to give me as much chemical (Botox) to counteract another chemical (coffee). Well, there you go. I need and deserve a life with some pleasure.[/quote
Quality of life is as important as how long you live. That is what I am working on now. Don't apologize for your lifestyle decisions!