Incontinence and heart failure


Staff member
I'm not sure if I asked this question on this site or not. I belong to several incontinence forums, and sometimes my questions overlap. I have been diagnosed with heart failure, and now have a pacemaker implanted. I have numerous heart problems requiring a lot of meds. I have read that over 50% of heart disease patients have incontinence issues. One of the recommendations from different all heart specialists, is that I drink 4 liters of water per day. That's a lot of water! You can imagine what that does to my incontinence...not a good combination. As a result, my diaper use is increasing. I'm wondering if anyone else has heart issues, and been told to increase their water intake?
I'm not sure, but would rather drink the water to keep heart healthy and just deal with the inconveniences.
Yes, there are at least two other men on this forum who are in your circumstance. Hopefully they’ll see this post and respond. I know one is @thudson1965 and he may remember the name(s) of the other(s).
Yes, I don't have a heart problem but I do have serve incontinence problem. Most of my doctor's tell me to drink lots of water. My diaper use goes up. If it means better health than I will try it.
@Damp - Sorry for the short post last night, I was not well.

My recovery is slow from my Prostatectomy (6 weeks - Sept 24, 2020). It is hard for me not to drink more than 4 quarts a day. I can not imagine if my incontinence was not improving.

Depending on your mobility and closeness of the your restroom, you need to talk with your doctors to find a happy medium between hydration for the thickness of your blood and your diaper usage.

I see that you have been an active member of the forum since Feb 2016. I have scanned most of your threads over 2 years old. Keep working and communicating with your doctors. I have found myself with a few doctors that have retired or moved. I keep binder of labs and notes for the doctors. I try to write my questions on a single page. I also have a second page of my general history. The history helps the doctor see that you are tracking procedure and that your health issues may be increasing.

I see that you have tried a few different diapers. I have tried a few different pulls. I did only buy a small pack which adds more shipping, but it was worth paying shipping since I did not like the product. I am only 6 weeks into my incontinence journey. I expect my journey will be 13 to 26 weeks ( 3 to 6 months).

Some people have used reusable diapers. Some people have added cloth towels into the diapers. These options for at night and at home, my hopefully cut down your cost.
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