Went to doctor


Staff member
I had an appointment with my doctor today and told him about the night and day issues I have been having. I told him that at night I have been wearing a full diaper to prevent leaks and pull ups during the day for just in case. I try to go to the bathroom during the day when I can, otherwise hold until the 'potty dance' starts and then let it go if cannot get to the bathroom during day.

He said that it sounds like 'typical' urge incontinence and prescribed oxybutnin. He did say that it was up to me for whether to try the medication or continue with 'absorbent undergarments'.

I am going to try the medication, but concerned about MH side effects as depression/anxiety/asd are issues of mine.

Has anyone else tried this medication and had any luck and no side effects?
Sorry to report I had headaches, dry mouth and minimal if any affect on symptoms with the various Anticholinergics I tried. Myrbetriq Didn’t help either.

I do not want to try Botox or the bladder pacemaker route due to stories of decreasing efficacy and/or the need to still wear protection which is the whole point in the procedure
I used it after my surgery for a couple weeks and it worked for me with spasms. No major side effects that I know of except a dry mouth and made my eyes blurry.
There is a suspected (or known, I don't remember which) link between these medications and dementia. I very seriously suggest you don't go near them.
@jeffswet, I totally back your statement regarding the links between anticholinergic medications and dementia. I had many of the above listed symptoms and only took it for a very short time before my wife ripped into me. She showed me the medical documentation linking these two, but told me it’s now demanded to be listed in the very, very fine print in the handout given with the prescription, which due to blurred vision from these meds I couldn’t even read.
Apparently Big Pharma is banking on your embarrassment, over your “CHANCE” of developing dementia, and just like opioids minimize the dangers. My wife works / volunteers with Alzheimer’s patients and I can tell you after losing both grandmothers & my mother to this horrible disease it’s not only devastating to all involved but quite expensive @ approx $20,000 per month for decent care. My mother lingered 15 years as a shell of her former incredible self….
I’ll take a diaper any day!
I found that it might have helped when I first took it, but after a few weeks it didn't. Considering the risk of dementia, I'd say it's not worth it.
When I was in my thirties I was finding it difficult if not impossible to make it home after work without having an accident. Even when I would make it by the time I got to my front door my bladder seemed to have a mind of its own and no matter how hard I tried I could not stop it from letting loose. Lost alot of really nice shoes during that time. Anyway, my Urologist had me try two different meds each one for about 6 months. The side effects for me were terrible!! It felt like my eyes were going to turn to dust they got so dry. Now I read that there is a direct link to dementia. So much so that the very same Urologist told me recently straight out that those types of medications are not an option at my age (60) I might also mention that before I turned 40 I had what are known as "secondary" cataracts. Although the cause is unknown it is a possibility all the steroids contributed but who knows? But I do know that secondary cataracts progress VERY rapidly unlike age related cataracts that are slow in progression. I now am extremely cautious about medications which is kinda funny -not- when you consider the toxins I inhale on a daily basis!!My Grandma would have called that "talking out of both sides of my mouth." Yup, she'd be correct!!
This is just another reason I stay away from all of these new “Miracle Drugs”! My wife having spent most of her professional career with Big Pharma, mostly working with Doctors & Labs on the testing and approval side. With each breakthrough drug the teams can usually only afford to do relatively short term testing on “New Meds” due to the cost of ongoing research. So it often boils down to can we get this to the market in “X” time frame, if not drop it and move on to something profitable NOW!
Another new one is Hyaluronic Acid injections in knees and now other joints, hips, shoulders etc. I was a recipient of these injections in my knees for over 5 years until recently my new Ortho, a very highly regarded guy told me no more! As it turns out it essentially destroys the good parts of the joint while offering “Very” temporary relieve from arthritis, damaged cartilage etc. After much testing I was told I was one of the lucky ones, as only both inner knees were now damaged so badly the need immediate replacement!
To make matters worse these “Clinics” are now opening to ONLY do Hyaluronic Acid injections for about any major joint as well as to dissolve cellulite! These places are set up to appear as high-end Spa’s, not a medical clinic (Maybe I could get a hair cut & massage next visit!) Yet there is no definitive burn off date or 1/2 life technically speaking, so it can potentially just go on & on indefinitely destroying tissue both good & bad….
Sorry for blithering on AGAIN! It’s Happy Hour and UNC beat Baylor!
Have a Great Weekend!
When I saw my doctor about my increasing bedwetting, after several tests, scans and x-rays, he wanted to put me on meds too... Heck, I'm already on meds for high blood pressure and cholesterol - adding another med, with side-effects just doesn't sound like a good idea. The main reason I went to the doc for my bedwetting was to rule out anything serious. Now that I know there's nothing serious lurking in me, I'll handle it the way I did until I was 15 yrs old, with diapers.
My doctor put me on oxybutnin one month after my prostatectomy. I took it until my 3 month check up, didn’t seem to do a thing for me. At 3 months he wanted me to keep taking it, I said no thanks. Didn’t even know about possible side effects. I’ve only seen one member here who said it helped them. Good luck.
Cajunfisherman said:
My doctor put me on oxybutnin one month after my prostatectomy. I took it until my 3 month check up, didn’t seem to do a thing for me. At 3 months he wanted me to keep taking it, I said no thanks. Didn’t even know about possible side effects. I’ve only seen one member here who said it helped them. Good luck.

It's worth remembering that people who are dramatically helped by medications aren't usually the ones who hang out on incontinence forums. We're a self-selected group of hard cases. :D
I have been on two meds but they didn't work and I already have dementia. But I have a nuerogenic bladder and I am on flowmax now and it help my bladder empty but makes incontinence worse as far as urges go
I have written on here before about the relief I had from bladder spasms using Oxybutynin following prostate surgery. First off, it did make me very tired, so I limited it to night time use -- which was when I was getting the worst bladder spasms anyway. I could tolerate the daytime pain ok. Plus, I was healing from major surgery so not expecting to be pain-free or carry on with normal daily life. I only used oxybutynin for a few weeks. In the end, my urologist advised that it can actually have a rebound effect, where it contributes to having more bladder spasms, and I think this is what was happening in my case. When I stopped it, the night time bladder spasms let up immediately and I haven't had any severe ones since (just milder ones). So the oxybutynin got me over the hump after surgery, but it did seem to have a rebound effect of causing spasms - so watch out for this! I would never recommend taking this long-term.
Thank you all for your replies. I did bring my concerns about the medication to my PCP and he is of the mindset that MH side effects such as my increased irritability and change of dementia. While not dismissive of my concerns he did say they would be highly unlikely and that in his 20+ years he has not had any direct experience with his patients having those side effects. As of right now I am going to continue with the med until something happens that causes me to need to come off of it or he tells me to.
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