Oxybutynin - does it help?


Staff member
I was hoping to get some kind of diagnosis when I saw my urologist yesterday. I have had all sorts of tests to try to explain my
almost nightly uncontrollable bed wetting and random strong urges with sometimes full bladder release during the day that all started last summer, but he told me all test results are not of concern. I am only 26.

I begged for some treatment to try and he kind of reluctantly prescribed me OXYBUTYNIN. Does anyone have experience with this drug or know much about it? Can you please share any info or personal experience if so? The possible side effects and longer term potential impacts are scaring me! Thank you!
I was put on the lowest dose after my prostatectomy. It was supposed to slow down my bladder, but I didn’t think it did anything for me so I quit taking it after two months or so. Doc told me a side effect was constipation, maybe it was a little, but nothing serious. Good luck.
Jh I won't speak on Oxbutrin but with a similar type of bladder turning strange on me I found that if I stopped drinking ALL other dinks from soda to liquor wine lemonade milk only OE cup of morning coffee and drank filtered water or any water about a glass an hour my symptoms went away. Daily bladder spasms done. Night incontinence down to a trickle.
Stop drinking anything including water by 8pm

Oxbutrin did nothing for me
Hello all. The last time I had a Urologist appointment my Dr. told me because of my age (60) she was hesitant to try any of the current medications. I didn't need an explanation as prior- much prior- I used my 'ol buddy Google to do a little research. I was horrified to say the least!! When I was about 45 and still employed I gave two different medications a try as 3 out of five days I wouldn't make it to home dry. I really gave the meds quite a while to work-about three months each. For myself I found the side effects to be way to bothersome. So after destroying a good dozen or so pairs of dress shoes I made some changes by cutting out all coffee after lunch. That and some very obsorbant pads. And hitting the ladies room just before walking out the door at the end of the day. For me the meds made my eyeballs feel like they were so dry that they were going to turn to dust!! But always try to keep in mind that everyone is unique. You are young so who's to say? Things that mortified me back in the day don't even make me "bat an eye" these days. When I was about 22 I went sleigh riding at night with a group of friends. Very poor decision on my part. I hit a pile of rocks halfway down the biggest darkness hill. I was sitting on a long plastic tabogin type thing so my tail bone got a big hit. I smashed my knuckles to hell on my right hand. Anyway, when I came to from being knocked out cold I was horrified to realize I had totally wet my pants. I never told anyone, ER docs included, about that. I told my friends I wanted to go home to get sweatpants on because they would be easier to deal with. So very stupid of me not to tell. But I was young and I suppose easily embarrassed so for years I never mentioned it. Of course I now realize how important it was to advise the emergency room about being incontinent. Anyway - here is one of many many articles concerning OAB meds and the link to dementia. Talk to your doctor is always my suggestion but I'm really into finding holistic type alternatives, but only AFTER ugly things like...the c word...are ruled out. I am hoping for all the best to you.
You are going to hate my response about meds But I was a ginipig for the urologist for 3 different meds and none worked and the side effects were not worth it plus the high cost for some even after insurance and the cost of each appointment - I stopped going and stopped the meds and accepted the fact that at night I need to wear a diaper - I don’t void every night so I re-use the diaper if not wet - yes I buy heavy absorbency tab style diapers and wear Gary wear plastic cover for leaks - if I don’t wake at night to pee it’s a full diaper in the mornings - but a heck of a lot easier to deal with then wet sheets especially before getting up for work - based off your age - may want to pursue other options- I’m in my early 50’s so I accepted this phase in my life - not to mention I like to watch sports - and yes I will still drink - watched the super bowl and drank through the game and woke up to go pee with a dry diaper - so mine comes and goes - for me it’s just a side caution to wear a diaper before bed if drank or not - at this point in my life I’m not changing what I like instead I would rather change a wet diaper to still enjoy my quality of life. My girl friend is totally in agreement- so support has definitely help me - good luck with your journey

I took it when I had a catheter after my surgery. I inquired about it again recently, but my urologist said OAB is not my problem so wouldn’t give it to me. Didn’t take it much, but did not seem to have a problem with it.
@treutleinelizabet my experience was just the same as yours. I was given oxybutynin. It did nothing but give me a dry mouth. I was given solifenacin as an alternative. It did a lot more nothing and made my mouth worse. Then I read about the risk to brain health from both drugs (which hadn't been mentioned by the doctor). I dropped the drugs the same day.
You may want to check your 24 hour urine output, collect when you can, weigh any absorbents after the fact. You may have an issue with your ADH hormone production that is causing this out of nowhere. It’s what happened to me.
Thank you so much for your experiences and advice @Cajunfisherman @Maymay941 @treutleinelizabet @Chadindiapers @Ekimretlaw @Phil6003 @Rothpirate16
All helpful!
Yes, I am worried about side effects and the risk to brain health but my doctor didn't suggest any alternative meds. He has given me the "timed release" Oxybutynin. I guess I will give it a try and see how it goes! I forgot to mention I also recently started taking Concerta for ADHD symptoms. My doctor says there's no known interaction between the two, but still worrisome to me.
Anyone know if there are better alternatives to Oxybutynin?
Oxybutynin helped me immediately with severe nighttime bladder spasms following a prostatectomy (pain worse than I had with kidney stones years ago). I helps with minor bladder spasm pain in the daytime as well. I am taking a good probiotic daily and have had no constipation issues, but it does keep me tired and my mouth feels dry. Will discontinue it as soon as possible. Don't know if any of this will help you, @Jh2025 , as your situation is different from mine, but I do hope you can find some relief. I think @Maymay941 's suggestion of drinking lots of pure water -and little or nothing else- is a good idea.
Thanks @RJ_by_the_sea! Glad to hear it gives you some relief. Did you have incontinence at night as well as the spasms, and if so did the Oxybutynin help with that? I really need it mostly for the urges and sudden loss of bladder control - my spasm pain is not as bad as yours from the sound of things and I can handle that part.
Yes, I agree with @Maymay941 about the water. So hard to do though, as I don't love water and find I have to cut back on liquids in general or I have accidents more often.
I get it about not liking water. I found to my surprise it is very hard to drink it when I'm thirsty or not in the habit of drinking it.
Best is very very cold and a filtered water.

If you don't have a Refrigerator water system or Britta filter put it in a covered GLASS container not plastic and let it sit 24 hours.
Don't drink anything including water after 8 pm.

You might see if you need the Oxbutrin most in day or night and take either morning or night it doesn't seem to have a 24 yr old cycle
@Jh2025 I'm just 3 weeks post-surgery and I have zero continence, day or night (I am anticipating improvement!), so I can't say whether it could help or not with nighttime continence.
I am 10 days post robotic surgery and 5 days since I had the catheter removed. I feel like I have an urge to pee all the time and I have continuous leaking. I go thru a few pads per day. The Oxy helps me by calming the bladder down. I am 54 and had no problems pre surgery at all…only because of PSA testing, and then biopsy would I have known I had it.
Welcome ChrisM,
I’m 54 as well with no symptoms but the PSA/biopsy got me too. 4 1/2 months out I’m still 1 pad a day leaking 2 - 4 ounces if I had to guess. Getting better but wow it’s slow. There are videos on here somewhere of an Australian physical therapist showing exactly how to do kegals, very helpful. Good luck.
Thank you Cajun! I’m in that “feeling like I have to go all the time” mode currently. I get bad pain in what feels like the perineum area, like a stabbing pain when I sit wrong or on the toilet. I did see the link to the videos and have been reading about Kegels and have already been working on those pelvic muscles.
My penis burned like hell after cath removed for 2/3 weeks when I peed, thought I had a urinary tract infection or something, but apparently that was “normal”.
@Jh2025 results can vary by person and may take several weeks to see any improvements. I took it years back and it took weeks before I saw some spasm help. Not 100%, don’t think that is a reasonable expectation. In my case, while it helped some, it was hard to manage effects plus, long term cognitive impact was a big concern. It appears though it may provide you a reprieve until you get a handle on your bladder issues.

Did you discuss the possibility that edema is a contributing factor with your urologist?
Thank you @theMochi for sharing your experience. Glad to hear Oxy helped your spasms. Did it help urges and incontinence too? I am not expecting 100%, but any improvement would be welcome!
I have not asked about or discussed edema with my urologist but I don't have any swelling or other signs.I will ask though. Can I ask why you asked?
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