Urinary Tract Infections and adult bedwetting


Staff member
Hello everyone,

I am a 31 year old male.
I have always had a moderately over active bladder and urge incontinence, and moderate night time urination (an average of two urinations per night).

But I managed to stop bedwetting when I was approximately 10 years old.
And since then I never had any issues with bedwetting, until very recently.

4 weeks ago, I started experiencing severe bedwetting each night.
I wake up anytime between 4am and 6am and find myself very wet and covered in urine.

My doctor and local hospital tested me for a bacterial urinary tract infection (UTI)using a urine test and culture growth test.
Apparently, the test result showed that I do not have a bacterial UTI.

My question for everyone here is:

Has anyone had personal experience with having a UTI which was one of the causes of their night time bedwetting, and the initial urine test showed no infection, but then a second urine test actually showed an infection?
According to some medical websites, a person could still have a UTI which is being caused by a type of fungal organism such as candida, and not any type of bacteria.
And therefore, I am thinking that this may be one potential reason why my urine test for a bacterial UTI showed no infection.

I am physically exhausted and very tired because my sleep is being severely disrupted and the daily cleaning every morning is becoming very tiring. And I do not want anyone in my family and house to find out that I am wetting the bed.

Any advice or shared experiences would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Tom W
@Tom_W Have your drinking habits altered in the last month?

Could you buy a packet of pads to protect yourself from wetting the bed?

Did your GP prescribe antibiotics?
Candida not possible.
UTI in men always indication for antibiotics and work-up ultrasound, blood tests______________________________
I here what you're saying I have somewhat same issue at night. Could it be stress or something else??? I have been I incontinent for most of my life and had to wear diapers at age of ten. I would see a uorologist if I where you. They could do a more indeph test why you wet at night. You should think about protection for you and your bed.
I use Extrasorbs ES 350 chucks. These are the ones they use in the hospital. They have protected my mattress for years. They can be found online.
I know this isn't an answer to the root problem, but it will help minimize the clean up. Diapers will help.
Hi @ Tom_W. Do see a urologist if you can. And the suggestion about getting pads is a good one too! But if it were me, I would consider wearing something like pull-ups or even a tape-on diaper for complete protection. Pads and wearing pull-ups or diapers should cut down on the morning clean-ups and make it a lot less exhausting for you to deal with.
Of course the choice between pull-ups or diapers is your personal preference. If you're not sure, you may get samples from online vendors in Britain or from a chemist or medical supply store in your town.
Here's hoping you'll find something that works great for you really soon!!!
There are a lot of different things it could be. If it was a UTI, you would have daytime symptoms as well, painful urination, possible fever, constant urgency. If it is only at night there may be another cause. Diet, stress, caffeine and alcohol consumption, and weight can all have an impact. If you are less active then you have been in the past, (as most of us are) some of your muscles may have weakened and hit a tipping point. Try to find out what is different about your life and remedy that. Diapers are good step in the meantime.
Ps one last thought, a good nights sleeps in a diaper is better then keeping yourself up all night without one, even if you do make it through the night dry. Exhaustion can be a trigger for bedwetting as well.
As suggested, if you are not wearing a liner of sorts, you need to do so. Until your diagnosis changes, you need to deal with the leakage. That includes talking about it when necessary so that your sanity doesn't leave you. On the other hand, if you'd like to just stop the leakage while determining the cause, I'd be happy to send you a soft silicone sleeve device that I use. It's patent pending, but not for sale yet. If you'd like to join our many volunteers to try it, there's no cost to you, but your feedback would certainly be welcome. I wear mine usually about 20 hours per day, being a moderate to severe leaker. Do let me know if you'd like more info. Best wishes. Fynlee amhelp@comcast.net
Tom_W said:
Hello everyone,

I am a 31 year old male.
I have always had a moderately over active bladder and urge incontinence, and moderate night time urination (an average of two urinations per night).

But I managed to stop bedwetting when I was approximately 10 years old.
And since then I never had any issues with bedwetting, until very recently.

4 weeks ago, I started experiencing severe bedwetting each night.
I wake up anytime between 4am and 6am and find myself very wet and covered in urine.

My doctor and local hospital tested me for a bacterial urinary tract infection (UTI)using a urine test and culture growth test.
Apparently, the test result showed that I do not have a bacterial UTI.

My question for everyone here is:

Has anyone had personal experience with having a UTI which was one of the causes of their night time bedwetting, and the initial urine test showed no infection, but then a second urine test actually showed an infection?
According to some medical websites, a person could still have a UTI which is being caused by a type of fungal organism such as candida, and not any type of bacteria.
And therefore, I am thinking that this may be one potential reason why my urine test for a bacterial UTI showed no infection.

I am physically exhausted and very tired because my sleep is being severely disrupted and the daily cleaning every morning is becoming very tiring. And I do not want anyone in my family and house to find out that I am wetting the bed.

Any advice or shared experiences would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Tom W
Have you been checked for diabetes. My bedwetting is caused by diabetic related neuropathy
I've had 3 UTI's over the last 30 years or so... The first one, years ago, I went to the doc after I started having severe pain in my lower back.. He ran a test and said I had a UTI which was moving into my kidneys. A round of antibiotics, and I was fine. Several years later, I went to the doctor's again, when my urine turned cloudy and had a nasty odor. Again, antibiotics cleared it up.

When my bedwetting started increasing in frequency last year, and I went to the doctor to find some answers, the first thing they did was a urine test for a UTI. I was quite surprised when they said I had a UTI, because I had absolutely no symptoms, like I had with the previous UTI's. After another round of antibiotics, that UTI was gone too, however, the bedwetting continues, along with an increasing daytime issue with urge incontinence. In my case, all the tests show no underlying cause, so the doc's just mark it up to my family history of urinary problems.
MikeD9876 ,

Your experience sounds similar to mine.
I had a second urine test for a UTI yesterday and I am waiting for the results.
But if the results come back normal, I'm going to have one final more advanced and specialist test for a UTI which is done through a specialist Urologist clinic. This more advanced test can pick up even small amounts of any type of pathogen, including bacteria, fungus, yeast, mould.
It is called a broth culture test and it is very accurate, if not 100% accurate.

In the meantime, I am going to try some diapers to minimise the leakage of urine and reduce the amount of cleaning and stress that I have to deal with caused by the bedwetting.
laalaauk said:
@Tom_W Have your drinking habits altered in the last month?

Could you buy a packet of pads to protect yourself from wetting the bed?

Did your GP prescribe antibiotics?

My drinking habits did not change prior to the start of the bedwetting, which started just over 4 weeks ago.

But now, I have had to slightly increase my water intake because I am taking a natural treatment supplement for UTI's (which is called D-Mannose) to see if that helps to reduce my symptoms. Therefore, I have increased my total water consumption by approximately 200ml per day (one cup extra per day).

I do not drink any fluids after 7.15pm and I do not eat any food or drink anything after 9.15pm and I go to bed at 12.
Thank you to each and every one of you, for taking the time and consideration to reply to my post.
I greatly appreciate all of the replies and advice.

I am going to continue having more specialist tests for UTIs and other potential causes such as adrenal gland function at night time etc.

In the meantime, I will try and find some diapers to buy and try overnight.
I tried the Depends overnight protective underwear last night and it actually increased the amount of leakage, not reduce it. This was very annoying and irritating.

Once the testing finds something that could be causing it, I will certainly post an update to share with all of you.

I have been referred to see a Uroloigst but with the impact of the COVID-19 on the UK's NHS and public healthcare system, I highly doubt any public healthcare urologist will be able to see me in the next 2 to 3 months.
I have very limited finances and therefore I cannot really afford to see a private Urologist, but I can afford to have one of the specialist tests for a UTI. If this test shows no UTI infection, then it is almost guaranteed that I do not have a UTI and that there are other causes which are causing the night time bedwetting.
Noctural bedwetting is one of the most difficult and stressful experiences that I have had to endure in my entire life, and I have endured some pretty stressful and difficult times I can tell you that!

Best wishes to all!

graphicedge said:
I use Extrasorbs ES 350 chucks. These are the ones they use in the hospital. They have protected my mattress for years. They can be found online.
I know this isn't an answer to the root problem, but it will help minimize the clean up. Diapers will help.

Does anyone know where I may be able to purchase the Extrasorbs ES 350 chucks diapers in the UK, where I live?

Thank you in advance.
Hi @Tom_W, It sounds like you're on the right track to try to find out what's going on with you, although admittedly it won't be easy to get answers really soon because of all of the covid dominating the health care system. Certainly for now it would be best to try other types and brands of diapers/protective underwear. For many people, Depends are not the most reliable even if they may be the least costly. But if I were you I would certainly aim for something a bit more absorbent. If there are thrift stores near you they can be an excellent source of finding diapers at much lower prices than in ordinary stores. And although I find this true in the U.S. (and hopefully also true in Britain) you may be able to find something of good quality for even less than you'd spend for a pack of Depend.
Please let us know what you have found!!
Tom_W said:
I tried the Depends overnight protective underwear last night and it actually increased the amount of leakage, not reduce it. This was very annoying and irritating.


Yes, I'm amazed that Depends has such poor performance. I mean, it seems to be the number 1 name-recognition product for adult incontinence. Here in the states, if you go into any store, they almost always carry Depends, and then a store brand. It's usually only when you go to a medical supply store, or shop online, that you can find better disposable diapers. Yet most people I talk to about this say they've had nothing but leaks with Depends. I guess it just comes down to marketing - If you throw enough money into advertising, people will buy a crappy product. I know some folks with light bladder leakage have had descent success with Depends, but there is a large group of incontinent people who need more absorbent protection.

I started off using the Depends products, but as my bedwetting and urge incontinence got worse, they started failing me too often. Now I use ConfiDry 24/7 diapers in the daytime, and cloth diapers at night.
Hi @MikeD9876, Depend is indeed the most recognized name in the adult incontinence market but as we all know it isn't the end-all and be-all go-to product for all types of adult incontinence. Nowhere even close to it. It's only for those with light or infrequent issues.
And you're right, practically any large supermarket, discount chain store or large chain pharmacies will have plenty of Depends in stock. And they invariably have their own house brand stocked right next to the Depends. And more often than not, the house brand will have on the package, "Compare to Depend," proving that Depend is the undisputed leader, or so they will have us believe.
I agree that Depends suffer from no shortfall of marketing dollars and techniques so people are led to believe wearing Depends will solve their big or little incontinence issues.
But we all know from personal experience that better products available online or at medial supply stores are what we actually need for best absorbency!
@Tom_W Chucks are what Americans call bed sheet protectors. I would recommend going on Ebay or Amazon for bed protection products. I have heard good feedback for sheets called Brolly sheets, they are waterproof sheets which can be washed and re-used.
laalaauk said:
@Tom_W Chucks are what Americans call bed sheet protectors. I would recommend going on Ebay or Amazon for bed protection products. I have heard good feedback for sheets called Brolly sheets, they are waterproof sheets which can be washed and re-used.

OKay, Thank you very much laalaauk.
I appreciate the help and suggestions
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