Type of incontinence


Staff member
I have been struggling with slight leaks for several years. I have been seeing a Urogynecologist for about 2 years. I cannot tell when I’m leaking. I had a Urodynamics test that showed no leaking. My cystoscope showed no problems. Has anyone else experienced this? Medication has not worked and I’m starting to get depressed.
No I have not. I took Vesicare and it helped with frequency but it dried me out and made me constipated. Then I was prescribed Myrebetriq but it also had side effects. From what I have read there are 2 main types of incontinence-stress and urge. And I don’t seem to have either one. So then why am I leaking? And I only need to wear panty liners but I feel damp all of the time.

And I’m 57 years old.
Sorry to hear of your challenges. About a year ago I noticed hesitation when voiding and month or so later I began leaking steadily. First just a little and increasing to now when I need 6 or 8 pads a day. I have had the same exams as yourself multiple times in the last year. I also don’t leak under testing. Unfortunately the Doctors don’t know what is wrong. I’m sorry I don’t have a solution for you. It seems many of us with these issues find a lack of a diagnosis. Of course you are feeling depressed, who wouldn’t, these aren’t fun issues. The best I can tell you to do is take care of yourself mentally and physically, manage the issue the best way you are able and find people who can support you when it is hard. I have found everyone here willing to empathize and listen to whatever your are experiencing or feeling. I wish you the best of luck in finding a solution to your health issues.
Missy, it’s a common part of aging in women, particularly women who’ve had children. I’m sorry testing hasn’t helped you with a diagnosis. Perhaps you should try a vaginal atrophy ring?
I am not an expert with the female urination anatomy, but I do know that both males & females have internal & external urinary sphincters (the anatomy differences are more complicated than this simple statement, but hear me out). The internal sphincter is under INVOLUNTARY control (like your heart muscle) and is supposed to automatically stay shut until your bladder sends a message to your brain that it's "time to go". Your external sphincter is under VOLUNTARY control and makes sure you don't go until you are sitting on the toilet. Once you're ready, your brain tells your internal sphincter to release, and you voluntary release your external sphincter...and you go!

If you are unconsciously having small leaks my guess is that your internal sphincter is not closing completely. This could be due to many factors. I had a surgical procedure to remove calcium stones from my prostate & bladder neck (which blends into the internal sphincter), and my urologist permanently damaged my internal sphincter. It's like having a bad washer on an old faucet. No matter what you do, the doggone thing is going to drip!! My diagnosis was intrinsic sphincter deficiency (ISD). Some of the medications you mentioned are helping me, but not like you might think. My new urologist (I fired the one that did my surgery) has me taking these meds to reduce spasms that are putting extra pressure on my sphincter, literally forcing urine out of me. As long as I keep the spasms to a minimum, my drip....drip....dripping is less.

I hope this helps. Good luck!
Thank you for all the responses. I have been diagnosed with interstitial cystitis but did not have the leaking until the last couple of years. I’m using vaginal estrogen as well. My urogynecologist didn't think a pessary would help me. I’m not sure why and will ask the next time I go. And I think the Urodynamics checked my pressure. I think I would feel better if I knew what kind of incontinence I have or if I even do have incontinence. I’m concerned there could be something else causing this.
Missy63, there is a huge difference in competence of urologists. I have seen 6 of them and my brother 2. ALL of them were wrong except Dr Koch at IU med center in Indianapolis. He is for prostate only, not female problems but there are some out there just as good as him for female problems. Try IU, Mayo, Cleveland clinic, Johns Hopkins. Do your research. You have a long life ahead of you so do all you can to enjoy it
Doug thank you for that suggestion. I did seek a second opinion and the doctor did not even do an exam. Once COVID19 restrictions ease up, I’m going to look into making an appointment at the Mayo Clinic. They have one in the city where my sister lives. I just checked out the website. That gives me some hope.
Good for you. Remember Mayo isnt the best in every spevialty. In urolgy at Minnesota they are tops. Good luck.
Look up scar tissue, stiffness, weakness of the bladder from your intercystblahblah blah (cant spell it, sorry) scar tissue that forms on or around a sphincter can cause leakage in many cases. Urodynamic studies are good but some are done without using a scope to see inside. I've had several done and a few didnt use a scope. Most doctors say that the intercystblahblah blah doesnt and cannot cause incontinence. But doctors haven't realized everything in our bodies yet. Maybe you will be a medical first and rewrite the medical texts.
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