TSA Experience


Staff member
I know we've had posts before, but this is the first time I've been stopped, so I figured I'd share. I posted this on another forum as well:

So, I've seen the advice for YEARS on how to get through TSA wearing incontinence products. I don't fly often, but I'm out on a business trip and finally drew the short straw. Went through the scanners and the machine flagged a "groin anomaly". I got closer and told the young man "hey, so I have overactive bladder and this is an incontinence product". Supervisor comes over, pats me down and they both decide I need to go to private screening.

In the room the guy says "So, you've got a hernia or something?" "No, I've got overactive bladder, and this is basically a diaper". Basically ended up having to pull my pants down enough so the guy can see the waistband and tab areas on my hip. He didn't ask me to pull everything straight down, and did not specifically ask to see the crotch region. After running his hands along the waistband he goes off to test the gloves. A few moments later I'm ready to go, albeit a little embarrassed.

I've been through the scanner before without issues, so I was a little surprised it flagged me this time. I know that folks say to dress after TSA checkpoints but I don't really like trying to put something on in the tiny airport bathrooms.
Terrorism has caused a lot of nasty side issues. Sounds like you handled this as best as possible under the circumstances. I haven't flown in over 10 years and don't miss the TSA process.
Understand. I sometimes use the private family bathroom at the airports. If I’m out of town it’s not as worrisome for me to use the regular bathroom if I have to.

I traveled outside the state four times this year an only got the pat down by TSA once this year.
Only once did I ever have to show my diaper, but I’ve been flagged and received the inspection pat down about 3 or 4 times in the past 20 or 30 flights. Never much of a big deal after the first time. Meaning I know what to expect.
I almost always use to put my diaper on at the airport after getting through TSA.
Not anymore. I said screw it! No time for that and now get dressed for travel at home and head to the airport ready to go.
They must see a hundred diapers a day on the monitors, so I just say go for it.
Yes, there can be some form of awkward feeling when stopped, but they don’t know me and the same thing about the other people around me.
They are doing two main things. Safety first, then Wanting to get you and everyone else through the lines asap.
I too had not traveled by plane for over ten years and had not seen the scanner before. I was going to Vancouver for vacation with my daughter’s family and three grandchildren. I was picked to go through the scanner both ways, once in Oregon and NYC. The scan going showed red in the pelvic area and he would have to pat me down either here or in a private room. I whispered I had a diaper on. He showed me how he would pat me down and asked if I wanted to do it here or in private. My daughter’s family was waiting and I did not want to go in private and possibly show my wet diaper. He patted me down there and let me go through. My daughter told me the diaper was probably picked up due to it being wet. Coming back I changed my diaper before going to TSA and tried to go through with my daughter’s family and again they picked me to go through the scanner. Again it showed red in the pelvic area and I whispered I have a diaper on. He asked if I had a medical note and I said no. He gave me a choice of a pat down here or in private and I got pat down there. The pat down is not bad except my grandchildren were watching.
I was leaking 40+ ounces per day, so when I traveled I would wear a Depends pull-up with a pad inside. I would change the pad every two hours or so. Normally, I would change the pad just after TSA. I never faced a TSA problem at that time. However, I had an AUS implanted last June, and have set off the machines a couple of times since. I wear a bracelet, so have had to explain once what it meant. I like the idea of just being open and honest, without making a loud scene. We are not alone in this. Lots of men and women have similar issues.
@snow My mother has an aftermarket hip joint and they told her it would. She has a medical note and they take her aside for a hand scan.
@Justme Great, now I have to figure out how to get a medical card. I hate what flying has become. Good thing I don’t work at an elementary school or a jail with a metal detector. I hate the way security/ TSA guards treat people.
Anxiety said:
Again it showed red in the pelvic area and I whispered I have a diaper on. He asked if I had a medical note and I said no.

I know the TSA disability card is a thing, but it'll be wild if they start asking for doctor's notes for flying with incontinence products! I did take a picture of the orders for my next procedure, but at some point we're going pretty far down the rabbit hole!
TSA pre-check is the answer, at least for me. I had a terribly embarrassing pat down a few years ago, and signed up for pre-check after that. Since then I sail through the metal detectors without issue.
snow said:
@Sylvia Not everyone can afford pre-check.

That's certainly true, maybe I worded it poorly but that's what I was driving at when I added "at least for me". It's $85 for 4 years so I was just letting everyone know it's available and if they can take advantage it can alleviate a lot of the negatives of going through security. I was really shaken up when I got pulled aside for an invasive pat down. Then on top of that they searched my carry on and put my supplies in full view. Personally I hate the whole process and find TSA to be generally rude and insensitive.
I travel weekly for business and was randomly selected at TSA-Precheck line for the full body scanner 2 weeks ago. I am 4 months post RP and was wearing a pad as I still leak. The scanner flagged my groin area. Explained to the TSA I was wearing a pad as a result of my surgery. TSA asked if I preferred to be screened in private as a courtesy but indicated it wasn't necessary. Slightly embarrassed initially then figured who cares. I am just fortunate my PSA is undectable now.
I’ve been patted down thoroughly a few times but only once was I asked if I would like to go to a room. I declined. So my question is,
Anyone here ever been taken to a room? And what happened?

It might be less invasive or embarrassing for some to just go with the pat down in the TSA line.
I've only had the pat down once, which was recently, and she did give me the option of going to a private screening area for the pat down. I opted to just do it right there and get it over with. The impression I got was that the screening would be the same in the private room. I know some of you all here take it in stride, but it really shook me up for a while. Luckily my spouse was with me and helped to calm me down afterwards.
I think it’s better to make them look like idiots. Let them search you in public so everybody can see what assholes they are!
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