Invasion of Privacy at Airport


Staff member
I flew through San Francisco yesterday morning on my way to Seattle. I was wearing one BetterDry brief with an insert pad, applied after my morning shower about 2-hours prior. My neurogenic bladder disorder causes me to dribble constantly.

My groin area was flagged by the standup scanner and I was told that someone would have to pat me down. I was very embarrassed when he raised my shirt up without warning, in the middle of the security area next to the scanner, and revealed to everyone within eye site that I was wearing a diaper.

He then said I would need further screening and to follow him to a private area. Once in a somewhat private room he called two other officers over and told me that in order for him to clear me, he need to swab my diaper for explosives.

I was appalled and humiliated when I was told to remove my pants so he could conduct further inspection of my groin area, and swab my waistband, crotch, and hands. Particularly when I was asked to remove my body suit.

After the tests came back negative, he informed me that in order to proceed to my gate I needed to change out of my diaper and put on a dry one before being re-scanned by the standing scanner.

I've been through security before, having been pulled aside for a basic patdown on multiple occasions. And only twice had to visit the private room for a bit more invasive patdown, but never was asked to remove the diaper. Nor be treated without privacy at the scanner.

It was absolutely humiliating and degrading to be treated like this, in front of 3 TSA goons. Not to mention them causing tons of people in the busiest part of the day, see me wearing above my beltline at the scanner.

Being forced to strip to just my brief was demoralizing. In front of complete strangers that couldn't keep their hands off me and to be treated like a criminal the entire time!

I've submitted a formal complaint against the agents handling of the situation and was given a case number by the TSA Special Needs agent who took my case by phone this evening.

Things like these make me never want to fly again. I do my best to enter the security zone dry but was in line for over 45 minutes with just over 2 cups of coffee and a bottle of water in me.
This sounds awful, what a horrible experience for you to have to cope with. Since my troubles started I haven't tried air travel, even though my work wants me to go overseas. My doctor suggested having a Foley putting in before going, I don't know if this will make it easier?
This is awful. There is no excuse for this.

I have traveled with a foley. They end up patting down the area where my leg bag is on my right calf because it shows up in a body scanner. I end up having to explain that I have a catheter in. Since I always have a diaper over the foley, I always have to explain that too as they pat me down there too.
What a bummer, I don't like to fly anymore-too much crap and isn't worth it-staying home is better. Sorry for your experience, things are better-it is over. Good that you reported them, they could have been more compassionate.
I am very sorry that you had this terrible, humiliating totally unnecessary experience. The TSA agents crossed the line of civility and decency, many times over. I'm glad you reported this. I hope that making the report and sharing your story with us will help you feel a little better.

I haven't flown in many years. I wonder if it would help to have a note from your doctor.
You might want to pay the $85 for a 5 year valid TSA security number. It gets you through security faster and with less scrutiny. Apply at It's totally worth it.
That sounds strange. The purpose with the security check is security. No one must tell me that $85 makes you safer for a flight. The security control are supposed to be a serious matter and not an object for trade.
I agree but they offer this service for people. IF you apply and supply them with your background information, it is quicker. I have not done it-I don't travel enough to spend the $85.00. They must check your background, as like myself. I am 66 years old, born in Chicago, always paid my income taxes, have several credit cards-no criminal record,etc. I think it is for people like that who want to spend the money and don't have the patience to go through the checkout line-etc. I am a brain tumor survivor and many times get a wheelchair to get on and off the boat or plane to save my feet. I have plantar fasciitis really bad. I stretch my feet everyday. I still have problems with the bone spurs which grow but don't irritate the tissue since they grow in the same direction. So I avoid walking on hard surfaces but still stretch my feet everyday.
What idiots... Our former govenor got patted down once too often and filed a lawsuit and stopped flying commercial.
These TSA guys do these random things where they pick some old women so as not to show any bias. All this shampoo sizes etc are all remarkably dumb. How many shampoo bombs have they found? How likely is it that 5 guys with Box cutters could take over a plane after 9-11? *Hint every passenger takes their belt off and swing the buckle end for the hijackers heads. I've avoided flying when possible its just another embarrassment waiting to happen. *And I'm really sorry this happened to you.

Its become so long to go through these lines I think its time to invest in Greyhound Bus Stock.
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