More Security, less privacy


Staff member
"How 9/11 changed air travel: More Security, less privacy" is the title of an AP story.
It has relevance for Incontinence Travelers dealing with TSA. We've had whole threads on this.
It came out here on 9/12/21, part of the articles discussing 9/11/2001 effects.
Among other parts of the story, look for the paragraphs headed (in bold type) "Security theater". 2nd paragraph down from that mentions "full-body scanners". I guess i missed that when traveling, but TSA got machines later, in Alaska, plus the TSA agents had minimum training to point where we wondered if they had any. Some were NOT respectful, others tried.
The next paragraph has the "95% missed weapons & explosives" study, which wasn't the only one. I knew one Air Marshall; I doubt his effectiveness, but who knows. Maybe his behavior was different on the job. He flew with the flights.
People go moose hunting in more remote places, here, and fly back with the results. They come down to the baggage carocels: meat, and heads with horns, not wrapped professionally. The rifles are in cases in baggage with tags indicating "inspected". TSA was sure there had to be explosives in those very large hunks of meat. Then TSA would inspect them again - at the destination. Huh? It would have been headlines here, page 1, above the fold, if they found any.
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