REZUM experience by 72 yr. male in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.


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I had the REZUM procedure this past Thursday (7/25/2019). This is a relatively new way to treat BPH (enlarged prostate). They insert a small cystoscope into the urethra to inspect the bladder. Then another device is inserted that is hollow. A special needle is inserted through that, and punctures the wall into the inner core of the prostate. Radio frequency turns water into steam and kills cells in that area. Each treatment is about 9 seconds long, and can be inserted in as many places as the surgeon thinks necessary. (In my case, only 2 locations were treated.) Over time the body removes the dead cells and that reduces the size of the prostate, thus relieving excess pressure. It is said that it has about 95% success rate with very little risk compared to previous techniques.

I have had many other procedures including urodynamics testing, 4 cystoscopy with dilations, medications, Interstim implant, and finally "REZUM". Here is how it went:

* I checked in to the doctor's office at 10:00; the procedure began at 11:00. This was an area in the office that I had never seen before. The I/V was insert and other preparations were carried out on one side of the hall. The procedure itself was directly across the hall. It looked like a regular hospital setting, but smaller.

* A nurse carefully demonstrated how I was going to use the two different catheter bags I was going to use for the next 3 days; a smaller one for daytime and a larger one for bedtime. I was allowed to play with all the gear until I felt I could understand what I was going to do with it.

* They administered antibiotic, Fentanyl, and Propofol/Lidocaine. I had asked that they go very slow with the Propofol because my veins burn like fire if it is given too quickly. They did well.

* Less than 5 minutes later I was waking up as they lifted me from one gerny to another and moved to a recovery room. That was FAST!

* The procedure was painless, but by the time I arrived home I was
was suffering. It hurt so much that I feared I would not be able to sleep. However, by 10:00 P.M. I was better, and by morning pain was not an issue. They had told me to buy an over-the-counter med called "AZO" (at Walgreens). I took 2 pills, 3 times per day for only 2 days. It turns the urine to a dark yellow/orange. Yukky!

* The biggest hassle was draining and changing the bags, and also finding ways to keep the bags below the bladder for proper drainage.

* Sunday (this morning) was my biggest concern: taking out the catheter myself and peeing within 6 hours else go to the emergency room. I was advised to do this while taking a shower. Praise Jesus, it worked well, and I peed within 3 hours!

* The doctor explained that healing and full benefits could be as much as 3 months; some do better.

I am blessed to live near this doctor since he is one of only a few in the country that specializes in complex male and female surgeries. Here is his name and address:

Dr. Samuel J. KUYKENDALL (pronounced: Ker-kin-doll)
Kansas City Urology Care
4321 Washington
Suite 5300
Kansas City, Missouri 64111

He also has an Overland Park, Kansas office:
10701 Nall
Suite 100
Overland Park, Kansas 66211

(He is older than he looks in the site's picture.)

This is a big group of doctors with many locations around the metropolitan area. My first doctor was Dr. David BOCK. He referred me to his colleague, Dr. Kuykendall. They are both very nice and friendly and easy to talk to.

God bless you all! 🙏🏻 🙂
Sounds like a winner for you!! I really hope it all works out!! My UI is nerve and muscular damage and there just isn’t a procedure or med that can help and I’ve come to understand this is just the way life will be for me as I’m not going to have any of the surgeries that have been suggested. It’s pretty awesome that they keep searching and researching for ways to cure or manage incontinence!!
Thank you for walkingbus through the proceedure somit demystifies the operation. Also very kund to give the doctors information!
So very very glad you are seeing some relief!!

I am so sorry that there is, so far, nothing that can be done for your situation. Don't give up hope. At least this is an area of medicine that draws a lot of research; not so for some conditions I have.

For example I lost the vision in my left eye due to a detached retina. They have made some progress in artificial eyes, but nothing worthwhile yet.

Another condition I have is "Restless Legs Syndrome". It's a mysterious syndrome that makes you want to get out of your own body! It makes sleep impossible. Most doctors can't even spell RLS let alone treat it. All of the meds they offer, except for opiates, cause augmentation; that is, over time, the med will actually cause the condition to get much worse. The only truly safe medicine is opiates, but you know about all the controversy about those.
@Maymay941 Your welcome. 👍😊

I hope it will help others to have a more in depth understanding of what happens with this procedure so they are able to make a better decision on what to try.

May the Lord bless you!🙏🏻
Petejc i swear put a bar of irish spring soap under your bottom sheet for RLS.
You have nothing to lose from this POPULAR folk remedy and can smell like a leprechaun after a shower if it fails
Sorry Mezza i just saw typos to late. I am rushing through a lot of urgent correspondence but like to stay on the nafc and boy what a mess of typis that creates!

Typos: It was kinda fun trying to figure out what you were trying to say. 😁

RLS/soap: I've heard that one too. Whatever works for you is fine with me.👌

Maymay941 said:
Mezza as hard as I try i rush and mis spell
Doing 6 things at once

Same for me. Like the old saying goes, "Whenever I have something to do, something else has to be done first." 😆

I don't know how I ever got anything done when I was still working every day. Now that I am retired, I should have all day to do anything, but instead I go to doctor appointments for both my wife and myself, lab tests, pharmacies, and read newsletters to stay safe on the Internet and up-to-date on technologies. I have cancelled most of my woodworking magazine subscriptions because I don't have time to read them.😢
May God bless and comfort everyone here according to their faith in Him. 🙏🏻 😊 💖

It's been almost 2 weeks (7/25/19) since my REZUM procedure, and I thought I should post a progress report. (Details are at the top of this topic.)

Recall that this procedure reduces the size of the prostate by injecting steam using radio frequency heated steam. I was told that full benefits could take as long as 3 months - so I'll have to be patient.

Praise Jesus that I have not had any signs of infection! However, I am experiencing more pain while peeing than I did before the procedure. I think this is because swelling is restricting the flow. Urgency & frequency and leaking is worse. I am trying to mitigate this by increasing the amplitude of my Interstim device. That's about all I can think of right now.

I just had my 1 month follow-up with the doc.

I surprized Dr. Kuykendal with how well things are going!😃

I'm not perfect yet, but I have far less urgency and frequency, and less pain when the urgency occurs. It took only 3-1/2 weeks for improvement. I have awakened more because of other age related aches and pains, apnea, and RLS than for bladder problems. I have had nights where I only needed to pee 2 times! WOW! 👍😊

He said that usually it takes 3 months to start seeing these improvements. He went on to say that the other doctor in the practice says it will continue to get better up to a year, and not need revision. That is GREAT NEWS!

I told Dr. Kuykendal that he must have done a great job. He said, "It's embarrassing how simple and quick the procedure is." He said they actually rolled this out to the Midwest USA first (that's where I live). So it's making its way around the world.

Thanks be to Jesus my Lord!
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