@ThatFLGuy Before falling down the cliff in 2015, I had a severe Scorpion Fall in 2009 while snowboarding. I have had chronic lumbar back pain ever since. I also had a severe concussion. So yes, I understand a scorpion. I’m sorry you had one, too. I didn’t know that it was possible until I did it.
I am quite sure it sounds like your scorpion may very well have started your bladder problems. I am disappointed that none of your doctors have figured this out for you. I remember you quit going to your urologist. Maybe you should go back to her or another one to talk about Neurogenic Bladder. You could also ask your back doctor if you have one. If not, perhaps you should get a back doctor. I know the last thing you need is another appointment.
If you had to pick one doctor to go to, the back doctor or the urologist, I would go to the urologist. If you have the MRI result like that and you know maybe where they can look at the file for themselves, then they can diagnose you and talk about a plan and help you do that plan. But a back doctor? They don’t go very far.
You know, once they figure out you have Neurogenic Bladder, there’s nothing they can do so that’s as far as the conversation really goes. But I guess then they might really talk to you about bladder Botox, so that would be good - you should try it - it’s worth a try. I love it and since we have the same area injured in our backs, maybe you would also benefit.
Bad discs in that area can also cause numbness/sciatica. My left torso bottom quadrant is totally numb. I can only feel the right buttcheek. Wiping your butt when you only feel one cheek is a weirder sensation than you might think. I get phantom itchiness on my buttcheek. It’s numb; yet it feels itchy, Scratching totally doesn’t help. It’s odd and kind of grosses me out.
So yes, your numbness may very well be from your scorpion. I bet you severed some nerves forever.
2.5 months ago I got up to pee in the night, but my left leg was numb, only I didn’t quite realize it because sciatica is wierd like that. Without knowing it, I put my foot down on its side instead of flat, with my entire body weight. I broke four bones and had to have the longest surgery of my life so far. It has been hell to recover because I live alone and have been non-weight-bearing until a few days ago. The foot is ultimately caused by sciatica from the back injuries in snowboarding accidents, but I’m still paying the price from those accidents years later by tripping getting out of bed?! It’s been such a huge bummer. Now I have to go back to the back doctor to see if it’s time for back surgery since my sciatica has become that bad. I don’t like back doctors. They also never actually help except when you need an initial diagnosis.
I hope the discovery that some of your bladder nerves are likely dead doesn’t upset you. Look on the bright side: now you likely know your diagnosis since your bladder problems started around when your accident happened.
An aside, lol, no, I’m not a doctor