Hi there - New Member Looking For Camaraderie and Advice


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Hi everyone,
I suffer from urge incontinence (whether it's neurogenic bladder from an injury when I was younger, or just OAB has yet to be determined but I'm working on it) and Interstitial Cystitis. I've dealt with these conditions for over half my life (I'm 27.)I hate this and I hate that I have to wear diapers. More so, I hate dealing with these issues alone, so I'm here to help others and get helpful advice myself. :) also I'm going to be starting my graduate program in Ireland this Sept so getting to know any incontinent friends in Ireland would also be wonderful :)
Hi I'm from Northern Ireland. Welcome to the forum. What are you studying and at what University? Sorry I won't be able to offer much advice regarding your specific conditions. I am part of this forum due to incontinence following radical prostatectomy. However, I can identify with your frustration with having to wear pads and I know how you can feel frustration and anxiety having to manage an incontinence problem
Hey. Welcome. I was diagnosed oab at age 32. Im 37 now. Never delt with it in an acidenic setting but i definitely can sympathize as a younger person dealing with it.
Welcome and glad to have you. I am 64, retired and have been a very successful businessman. I have a DBA and I have been a bedwetter till about 16 and went totally incontinent after 5 back surgeries. I have a neurogenic bladder - meaning I can’t tell when I have to pee. I just go all the time. So, I’ve been in diapers 24/7/365 for many, many years. I’ve tried a lot of things in my time; so, I’d be happy to offer advice were I can. This site has a lot of good people who are willing to help, but ultimately it’s up to you to find your problem and to find what is acceptable to you. Good luck my friend and remember to live the best life you can regardless of what life throws your way.
Welcome to the forum. Similar symptoms of bed wetting, OAB, urge incontinence have been a life long experience. Don’t worry about having to wear diapers to manage a medical condition. Depending on which study you read, anywhere from 2-17% of males deal with some level of OAB and LUTS. We’re definitely not alone.

Thankfully we live in a time when great products exist that for the most part allow us to function normally. There are also some of the best medical advances in history, so seek out a doctors thoughts on your symptoms. Sometimes they can fix it or alleviate the symptoms, and other times they can’t. Always good to get checked out and if it can’t be fixed, manage the symptoms effectively.

I encourage you to live life to the fullest knowing that this isn’t something that has to define you. Find what works and run with that.
@IncontinentScholar Welcome; we look forward to your acquaintance. There are 2-3 folks from Ireland here but they’re not the most active contributors. I hope they see your post and respond :)
Hearts, stars and horseshoes
Clovers and blue moons
Hourglasses, rainbows
And tasty Red Balloons!

hahahaha; im sorry - i heard Ireland.

Welcome to the NAFC - My names Honeeecombs; im 29 and suffer from OAB syndrome. There's alot of great people here. :)

I live in Dublin, Ireland; whereabouts in Ireland will you be doing your graduate course? OAB all my life - I am 76 - an absolute pain but isn't it for all of us ...
@IncontinentScholar Hey! UK based although am eligible for Irish citizenship (still need to sort that out!) and have been over a bunch of times with my mother (alas, becoming a wheelchair user has put our jaunts on hold but we hope to go out next year).

Sounds like you're in a similar boat to me and similar age-wise. I'm 32 in April and have had lifeflong incontinence issues (which got a lot worse thanks to Long Covid). I'm also hoping to restart a Master's degree in September in London.

Agree nappies/diapers are a real pain. I've been trying to use insert pads rather than full-on taped products but my control still isn't good enough to be able to downgrade. I've had to be in bulky taped nappies 24/7 since the summer of 2020 and haven't had anyone say anything. I find wardrobe choice is key - go one-two sizes up with trousers/shorts and that means the bulk's less noticeable. I've also found that half-elasticated waist trousers are the best as there's a bit more space for the protection but they stay up better than fully elasticated waist trousers. Baggy jumpers which cover the waistband of the jeans are also good for avoiding any peekage above the waistband.

Changing Places toilets have also been a godsend when out and about.
@IncontinentScholar Hi and welcome. You will find a lot of great people here and great support. Also opportunities to contribute and support others too.

My issue is with bedwetting only so not quite as complex as your situation. But I've found here that it doesn't matter your issue plenty of help and support here.

@IncontinentScholar Welcome I am new hear also and was given a lot of help. I have stress leaks and then at times I cannot tell that I am going until I feel the wetness other places. Meds helped for a while with being able to keep out of a diaper. They started to fail and my doctor had me do a Peripheral Nerve Evaluation (PNA)and I am going to have an Interstim X Medtronic device implanted. I did get some good short improvements with the PNE and just need to see if the full version can be programed to help long term. I am lucky in so far I have been able to stay out of diapers. Hope nothing but good things for you going forward with this.
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