Staff member
Hi everyone,
I suffer from urge incontinence (whether it's neurogenic bladder from an injury when I was younger, or just OAB has yet to be determined but I'm working on it) and Interstitial Cystitis. I've dealt with these conditions for over half my life (I'm 27.)I hate this and I hate that I have to wear diapers. More so, I hate dealing with these issues alone, so I'm here to help others and get helpful advice myself.
also I'm going to be starting my graduate program in Ireland this Sept so getting to know any incontinent friends in Ireland would also be wonderful 
I suffer from urge incontinence (whether it's neurogenic bladder from an injury when I was younger, or just OAB has yet to be determined but I'm working on it) and Interstitial Cystitis. I've dealt with these conditions for over half my life (I'm 27.)I hate this and I hate that I have to wear diapers. More so, I hate dealing with these issues alone, so I'm here to help others and get helpful advice myself.