New Member - Sacral Neuromodulation


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Hello, I am just about to turn 55 next month. I will try to keep this short, After having a baby in 1998 I tore completely and had to have external sphincter muscle reconstructed in 1999. 2013 I started having bladder issues I ended up having a prolapsed bladder. After that surgery I still had leakage. So April 2014 I had a sling to help with leakage. Well after that surgery I couldn’t goat all without having to use a catheter to empty my bladder. After having difficulty they had to go in again and loosen the sling. I was on the border line either not go or leak. So, fast forward to now the reconstruction is starting to not work because I am having bladder/fecal incontinance. I have tried diet change, didn’t work, I have tried physical therapy and it is slow going it just seems to be getting worse. I watch what I do on a daily basis. When I travel out of town I wait to get where I’m going before I eat for fear of having an accident. Because I have been there on many occasions. This is life altering. It is affecting my sex life because I hurt. I need help. I’m in the process of lining up to get the Sacral Neuromodulation implanted in the next few months. How does this procedure feel? I’m a little nervous. How long are you really out of work? Does it work? I am also, I believe, suffering interstitial cystitis yes I have diagnosed myself I know my body and know this is what is going on. I understand that this procedure will help with IC. Hearing from others will be helpful and thank you in advance for being brave to be honest about this condition if we kept quiet we would never get help.
Wolf 7225 I recently had the imterstim put in.I have a neurogenic bladder.I can't empty my bladder on my own.Its hard for me to say if it's working because it's still new.This Friday will be a week since I it impanted.On medlogics website you can sign up for what they call they're Ambassador program where someone who has it will call you and you can talk with them and ask any questions.Theres women on there that I m sure have the same problems.You can ask me any questions and I'll answer them the best way I can.Good luck!
I have no experience with this treatment, but just want to say how sorry I am, Wolf, for what you have been going through these past many years. I hope you will get the treatment you need. And Wadebailey, I hope the interstim will work for you. Let us know. Thanks for the info you provided, and for offering to help Wolf.
Thank you so much wadebailey and boasammy for your messages. I just signed up on the ambassador program. It is so nice to hear from others. Again, thank you
@wadebailey do let us know how it goes. I am currently waiting for an appointment to start the test phase, cheers, Phil
Physlink it went well.Im seeing improvements with my urgency but I'm still not emptying all the way so still cathing.Hope your trial goes well.Feel free to ask any questions if you want.
I don't know you, but feel so bad for you as others have said in our family here. You have a lot on your plate, and hopefully a understanding Dr.'s that will help you get better.

I have been offered Sacral Neuromodulation several times, I have hesitated, as I do hope they have help some, but I have heard stories they haven't, my own count is more of the latter. I have neurogenic bladder followed by urinary retention, bladder incontinence, fecal incontinence, constipation,either self cath, or Foley catheter, and other illness, so I do understand of some of what you go through daily. Personally, if I were you, I would try it, it might help you a lot.

Please keep us posted, lots of people here that want to help. And have idea's. I will meet with my urology PA and she is going to explain a new procedure for pain where they give the bladder some injections. I don't know anymore then that, other than, the procedure is like a Botox procedure. (I have had a Botox procedure)
Will be here for you.
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