sacral neuromodulation for bladder Incontinences


Staff member
After my trip from the urologist she told me the next treatment for urge incontinence / OBA is a sacral neuromodulation.

Has anyone had luck with them? How does it feel when it is working?
How do you pee if it is on?

I have many question about how it functions, and it safety.

I'm on the fence about it because I'm only 34 years old.
Hey Craig!

At work right now till 5pm EST. Don't unfortunately have the time to explain it at this time - but I got the notification on my phone and saw sacrael nerve and wanted to check in. Will post later man.

Take care,
Craig88, I had an Interstim implanted about 4 years ago. I was 67 at the time. It worked for a few months and then didn't help. I did fall a couple of times over the years which may be why the wires currently work at only 40% of their capacity. The Interstim representative has told me I should have it changed. I need it changed because the model I have will not allow for an MRI of my back.

I am in a quandary like you. In the next few months, I will have it removed. I have three options, 1) take it out and not replace it, 2) replace it with a newer, Medtronic Interstim MRI compatible unit, or 3) replace it with an Axionics stimulator that is MRI compatible.

I will be talking with my urologist on Dec. 17 after which I'll have to make my decision.

I hope you learn more from others and from further research. Good luck.
@fleemoore I hope you find a solation that works better for you.

Please keep us posted on what you decide and why if you don't mind?

I like the idea that it is compatible with MRI.
Hey Craig,

Finally got a moment to sit down quick and go over everything. Fleemore is right about alot of things; and to @Fleemore: Don't give up hope! I'm not a medical doctor but from my test and talking with my urologist; the permanent interstim have hooks that attach to the sacral nerves that may have become unhooked or not in the right point since you mentioned you've had a few falls.

For my test prior to going off health insurance due to losing my last job due to being put on schizophrenia medication (personal reason involving public entities and possible negligence) - I was unable to go forward with the device itself.

Once implanted for the test they are positioned on both sides of you back, unhooked but in the correct spot. You shouldn't bend over and can't wash that area for a while. Your medtronic specialist will call you everyday to report how your bladder control is doing.

I saw a 50%-60% improvement. When the device is on you void regularly - and you device is monitored by the specialist. When you turn it up it does tingle but don't be afraid.

It's worth it. I'm 28, and bladder control problems are no fun.

I've had mine for a year now. Overall it's been working well, though lately I've been having increased urgency and feelings of constantly having to or even when my bladder is empty. I've got an appointment Monday to see the urologist and the Interstim rep.

When is working, you shouldn't feel much of anything. I occasionally feel a little pulse from it, which feels like someone tapping on my perineum with the side of a pencil. It's not painful when I feel it, though it can be distracting. If I'm feeling it frequently, I can adjust the intensity, since you normally should have it just below the point where you can feel it.

Peeing with it is completely normal - it's job is to moderate nerve signals, not to force your bladder closed. They actually use the same exact device and installation point for urinary retention, because it helps to normalize the signals from the nerves.

To use it, I select one of right programs (which all behave slightly differently, so it's trial and error to see which ones work well for me), then increase the intensity until I just start to feel it and back it of slightly. Kind usually runs at 0.4 to 0.5 volts, but anything under about 2 volts will avoid shortening the battery life. Then I leave it alone and largely forget about it, often for weeks. If it stops working well, I change the program, but other than that I mostly just leave it alone.

Mine is the newer MRI-safe Medtronic unit. I've had two MRIs since I got it, and I've had no problems. I use the controller to put it into MRI mode, then take it back out after the MRI.

My results have been good overall. I got it in November 2920, and I was able to quit wearing diapers in most cases by December (though I've still worn them occasionally if I know I won't be able to get to a restroom relatively quickly). My urgency has lately picked up to the point that I've had to start wearing them again, though hopefully I'll be able to get it dialed back in soon and be mostly done with them again.
My cousin has one and doesn’t like it when she can feel it. Her husband can feel it during sex and doesn’t like it.
I don't find it especially bad to feel it - it just feels like somebody tapping on me. If I move in certain ways, I'll occasionally get a little stronger jolt, but because my voltage is so low it's not really painful.

I talked with one of the customer service reps last week, and he had me do an impedance check. That was a little unpleasant - it kept giving me strong jolts as it checked the resistance of the electrodes. There are four of them, so it took six shocks to measure every combination. (My electrodes checked out OK, BTW.)

According to the rep, I might need a lead revision. I want to talk to the doctor before I consider that seriously, though.
@Craig88 I would definitely try Botox before getting something implanted in your body. Also, if you do get an implant, definitely get one of the newer ones that can go in an MRI machine.
I have a rechargeable one that also has a mri mode. I sometimes get lower back pain,but I got this before the interstim so it could be unconnected. As far as OAB symptoms it has made a big difference, 80% improvement. Cheers phil
Thank you everyone for sharing your input on the sacral neuromodulation. Most likely I will get my back fixed first. I have a L5 bulged disc. If that doesn't help then I will try Botox injection, then the sacral neuromodulation.

I'm worried that neuromodulation would make me have urinary retention and have to use catheters.
My symptoms vary from urinary retention to overactive bladder, to urge incontinence. I'm all over the place.


I feel the need to post this for you. Because this past week has been hell for myself and as much as I am going through - I can always rely on Jesus Christ.

When you pray, it's like making a phone call to God himself. He will always pick up.

Most Sincerely,
It's worth pointing out that they also use Interstim to treat urinary retention. The Interstim rep that I talked to this week told me that there's no difference in the unit or the placement - it's exactly the same for urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, and urinary retention.

In any event, I haven't heard of retention being a problem with Interstim. It's a common problem with Botox, though I personally don't don't find it to be any big deal to self cath after I've had Botox.
@Honeeecombs This is not a religious forum and you deeply offend some of us when you post material like that. This isn’t the place for religion nor politics.
@ltapilot I don’t think self-cathing is too horrid, either, but I’ve never had to do it because of Botox, though some do. You could always ask for a little less then you wouldn’t have to self-cath. I receive 200 units but any higher, and I can tell I’d have to self-cath.
snow said:
@Honeeecombs This is not a religious forum and you deeply offend some of us when you post material like that. This isn’t the place for religion nor politics.

I'm sorry snow, there's been alot of religious assistance I've recieved in the past via the forum from some really good people.

Just wanted to share the good news. Not directed towards anyone, just trying to keep people's spirits up.

Snow, is it still okay to talk about the way you celebrate at Christmas with whatever you call it? In case you haven't noticed, there are a few of us here who know that what Honeeecomb just posted is valid and real. If you don't wish to read it, pass it by; by the same token, I'll be asking you not to talk about your beliefs if you persue this. You decide.
@Honeeecombs Thank you for your Prays..

I'm sorry to hear that you are going through a hard time.

I pray for your hope and Strength.
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