The most intensely uncomfortable sensation


Staff member
I am seeking information regarding others’ experience about what I felt this morning. This is something I have encountered slightly in the past, but it was extremely intensely uncomfortable to the point that I dropped to my knees; I felt like someone punched me near the base of my penis, on the back side more. I am not joking when I say dropped to the ground. Is normal for folks who have prostate problems?
Your outer urinary sphincter is located in that area, and at times after spasming for a while mine will cramp. The only way I can describe it is a spike being driven into me, extremely painful! I have to take a muscle relaxer 3x a day to keep bladder spasms pressures etc. from getting out of control.
I apologize, but have you had a complete urology work up done? Have you had any neck/ back injuries / diabetes?
@Sprung87 I had several tests done to screen for prostate cancer; the finger exam, PSA, and an ultrasound. The original urologist felt that I needed to have surgery, leaving it up to me whether to do minimal or a radical. I pushed for a second opinion, and the new urologist wants to do a cystoscopy instead of rushing into surgical options. Unfortunately, I have to wait 2 and a half weeks before I can get that done. None of the other health issues you inquired about.

Your description of the pain is similar in intensity, but mine was not that precise (knife stab), but rather larger in diameter.
Again I apologize, I was in the waiting room to get a blood draw. I was trying to keep my answer PC, so to speak. When this happens it would be more comparable to a railroad spike than a nail. That whole area locks up and could easily bring anyone to their knees. Just my “I am not a Doctor” thoughts is with everything you’ve currently got going on down there, your body is running out of space, easily compressing nerves and causing mixed signals to get from brain to muscles. I’m sorry to hear your going through this, but very happy you sought another opinion.
I had to wait 14 months to see a “GOOD” neurologist, with a direct referral from my Neurosurgeon. Due to the issues at the time my GP set up an appointment for me to just get an MRI with a different Neuro Group to make sure it wasn’t another spinal tumor which turned into a nightmare just to get my records as they wanted to open up my back again that week!
I know it’s hard to balance patience vs fear at times, but I’ve found the better doctors always proved worth the wait.
Hang in there, your not alone!
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