Temporary Daytime Incontinence/ UTI Recovery Query


Staff member
Hi everyone, I had a pretty awful UTI from mid March to mid April which I‘ve finally kicked after three rounds of antibiotics. I’d noticed prior to starting antibiotics that I was having some minor wetting issues (3-4cm wet spot on underwear, came through to my pants a couple of times) at the gym when going from lying to standing with weights in hand, and when crossing one of my legs over my body while lying down in a yoga class. This same issue was also happening after I urinated (I’ve had issues with PMD in the past, but this was a little worse.)and occasionally when I was lying down doing nothing (very confused about this part). During the worst of my UTI, I lost control of my bladder for a few days almost completely (painful spurts at around 20 minute intervals, nappies required), however, once I started my third course of antibiotics, things improved rapidly and I’m pretty much back to where I was when my symptoms were starting to develop. I’ve been using shields (super light pads) in my underwear to protect from the ongoing minor leaks and dribbles. Otherwise my bladder feels fine. There is no pain or irritation. Have others on this page taken a while to come back from a UTI? I suppose I’m just worried that I’m not going to fully regain my daytime continence.
Seek out a urologist or pelvic floor therapist. They may be able to help with these sorts of things. They can actually measure your muscle and nerve function to determine a root cause and come up with a plan to manage or fix it.
@Newbie2this thanks for your advice. I’ve had a renal/ UT ultrasound, a cystoscopy and some voiding/ stress tests (can’t remember exactly what they were called) performed by a urologist to look at bedwetting issues a few months back which returned no adverse findings, but I suppose things could have changed since then. I can’t say I’ve ever seen a pelvic floor therapist.
@Rowan123 definitely check out someone for the pelvic floor. You can also get trigger point injections into the pelvic floor to help!
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