UTI with negative urinalysis


Staff member
Ugh. My daughter has yet another UTI. The strange thing is that her initial urinalysis tends to be negative. Only when they do a culture is it positive for bacteria. Her doctors are aware of this anomaly and put her on antibiotics even though the UA is neg because they know the culture will probably be positive. They don’t understand it though. Does anyone else get UTIs with a neg initial urinalysis but positive culture?
Yes!,,, I have mentioned in another post here regarding UTI, that my PCP keeps close tabs, and my lab is much different then normal, yes if I don't have a Foley in, soon I will and she takes a sample that way. And after 1 hour appointment, they run this sample, and find out for sure, as the culture needs to be sent in, and a couple days they know how to treat, and with what. Many times,, I have a positive culture.
@risas, I assume you were replying to me. Well I have a lot of bladder issues, and other issues. Honestly I cannot that. But will say this, one time, years ago, I didn't feel right, so I went into my PCP, she didn't do a culture, but the rest, it came back negative. Couple days later still didn't feel right so I upped my fluids a lot. But saw my urologist. Still negative.

Here comes the weekend, didn't feel quite right, so I ended up going into emergency. The longer I was there the sicker I got. They admitted me and started some medications. Turned out a had a bad bad infection. So my PCP doesn't mess around now.
Hell, the top urologists in PA can’t figure out what the cause of my i continence is. They can see the bladder spasms on ultrasound, they can see my kidneys pumping out fluids like crazy, they can see my litter sphincter losing the battle, but they can’t find what is causing it. Neither can the neurologists. Sometimes it’s just a matter of coping until better technology comes along.
@Boomersway sounds very similar to my daughter’s experiences. Docs are perplexed why her initial urinalyses are neg. Glad to know she’s not the only one who experiences this.
@risas, Yes, I have gotten so use to the unknowns. Contact me here anytime, or privately. And yes, I do understand how difficult this is.

Sounds like she is very fortunate to have you as a Mother.
Hi Ross’s, yes I’m in same boat although I am currently being treated for another uti and they did say this one had a high white cell count. I didn’t miss any work though so that’s a plus. Always something I guess. Just glad the can test for the basics in house and then find out the cause in the lab.
My urologist recommended Theracran capsule daily. How old is your daughter? I am thinking a child since you are writing. Does she have any incontinence issues, Or stool issues? Yes, I have experienced this , but I am post menopausal and have had a hysterectomy. I would recommend just showers for now using dial soap for her showers.
Thanks everyone. It’s tough being a kid with neurogenic bladder, incontinence, and regular UTIs. I wish I could do more for her.
It does seem to be that Urologist are dealing with "Shit Happens" a great deal. They don't know why stuff happens and can only treat symptoms but not the cause. Very Frustrating.
I imagine even with all the tests and imaging that can be done there is still allot left that doctors don’t know about the human body and how to cure allot of the actual illnesses directly. I would say there is probably several great doctors who seek the root cause but it sure seems like allot just find it less work and more profitable to treat the symptoms... I would be willing to bet some companies probably have a cure for several illnesses but it would have severe financial losses for the medical industry. Just guessing but makes you wonder.
Yes. I take theracran daily as well as a combination of other meds, exercises (pelvic floor) and I only take showers. Currently I am not having recurring UTI’s.
@risas, I don't feel I will get much better, even thou my urologist's PA keeps on with me, in fact she is looking at things now, and asking questions. She is a firecracker! LOL.

But I hope and pray your daughter can get more help on this. A mother talk to me today about her Autistic son, and how the incontinence is effecting him, I was so sad
risas, I have a long history of recurrent UTI's. My cultures & urinalysis are almost always negative, but the physical symptoms are present, and once I go on an antibiotic the physical symptoms subside. At 68 years-old, my urologist & I finally agreed that it would be best just to stay on a low-dose antibiotic indefinitely (I take 100mg of trimethoprim daily). So far this has worked well for me.

This might be something to consider for your daughter, just to stabilize the situation, but you should still try to find out the root cause of her problem. After prostate cancer radiation treatment, several prostate surgeries, and multiple invasive test, my plumbing is a wreck and the UTI's are just part of the package. But she is young enough that she shouldn't have to deal on an ongoing basis. Good luck with it!
@cmulwee thanks. My daughter has been on 2 different prophylaxis antibiotics and still got infections. It’s so frustrating. We just can’t seem to keep the infections away. Worse, the infections wind up in her kidney, making her really sick in the short term and possibly causing long term effects as well.
Hello, so many sad stories. Into 4th month since pros. surgery on my 5th UTI I never had these before. I am so upset with my urologist as he has kept me on the same meds for 4 months. Finally I told him enough of this crap get me in and find out what the hell is happening. I go in for scoping soon. My point is these dr.s don’t give a damn they garbage you in and out. I will be leaving Kaiser first chance.
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