Hello everyone, sorry for my absence. I am also a caregiver to my aging parents and that has taken me away for a few days. I should be known as TiredMom&Daughter

. Anyway, I have read your comments as they have come in but have not been able to reply. Please forgive the mass reply message but didn't want everyone to get a ton of email notices either. Thanks again everyone.
@artiejr - To reply to your first message, you had mentioned that your issue just stopped when you were 18. So to answer my initial question, that would indicate this was more of a mental issue over a physical one for you. Others, as
@Draconic have indicated had a physical issue. So I am thinking the answer to my initial question is either nobody knows for sure or both answers can be true.
@ThatFLGuy - I was actually wondering at one point if this was the culprit for my son. He had several concussions during this timeframe but hadn't had a baseline test yet since he was still so young. Docs said there was no correlation.
@Fynlee - I was very interested in your device that you have come up with. I will send you a PM. My son is a Freshman in Engineering so I know he would be interested in something like this as well.
@Draconic - I will send you a PM if you wouldn't mind sending me more specific information to share with the doctors. I would assume these same tests have been given/tested but would like to confirm that and rule out this same issue if nothing else.
@Mightychi - You are absolutely correct on the dual issues of emotional issues and the bedwetting itself being at the heart of my post. My son has really not let this control his life though and has put himself out there. He did choose a shared dorm room even though he could have chosen a single room. He wants the social aspects and chooses to deal with the fallout, if any. However, he has lost friends in the past and the possibility of everything that could come from others finding out weighs heavy on all of us. With social media posts spreading fast and kids not being very nice these days, this is a huge issue.
@Inconinmiss & @msuspartan - He did not and will not disclose this to the University. While it is a huge University, there are several layers of student workers before getting to a fulltime worker in each and every department. He does not feel comfortable with that. Next year he will have his own room and a washer/dryer in his apartment. He just has to get through the rest of this year.
I appreciate everyone saying to embrace this and just make bedwetting a part of your life, but I guess he/we are just not there yet. He is still wanting to find an answer and so I want to help him. I just didn't know whether to keep going down the doctor path or the therapist path. He doesn't agree/believe in the therapy piece and if he doesn't think he has anxiety or needs any help, then I don't think that will help anyway. Although I keep trying to encourage it as an option! Overall it sounds like everyone may be different on whether this is a physical or mental health issue for them. So keep going down both paths until, and if, an answer presents itself?
Again, I can't thank you all enough:heart: