QuadEast said:
rewards, taking electronics away,
I kinda cringed when I read this part, since it reminded me of my youth...
I was a bedwetter as a kid until I was almost 15 years old. My folks took me to several doctors, and when they couldn't find a physical cause, my parents just "decided" that I wet the bed because I was just to lazy to get out of bed and go to the bathroom. This led to many, many long, drawn out shouting matches, verbal abuse and humiliation in front of my siblings, punishments, etc...
They actually thought that I woke up at night when I got the urge to pee, and just laid there in bed, and peed, instead of walking 8 FEET down the hallway to the toilet. This was DEFINATELY NOT the case!! The fact is that when I went to sleep, I was out.. Totally out.. Until I woke up, wet, in the morning. I was never woken up by an "urge signal" to pee. It just flowed, without me being aware or awakened. I desperately wanted to stop bedwetting, especially when I hit my teens, and wanted a social life.
I bring this up, because if your sons are like I was, or many other bedwetters are, they probably have no control over waking to go. Thus, rewards or punishments are usually not effective at stopping it.
You mention "teenage boys", as in more than one... So I have to ask, are there other family members who have or had, bedwetting issues?? In my case, it turned out that my biological father and uncles had also been bedwetters. It is known that bedwetting CAN have genetic links. If this is the case in your family, then that's one more fact to consider with their wetting problem.