Sleep and nocturnal incontinence

JT, Those suggestions can't hurt, that's for sure! As with CBoone, I wouldn't take the wine AND the melatonin, though. I'd probably opt for one or the other!
Benadryl will do a good job of making you drowsy. That's why if I have to take it I'd do it at night and definitely not before I have to drive somewhere, or even drive somewhere at night, well were not even going there at this point! But I haven't had to take it for a good long time so if I had to take it again I don't know what it would do to me.
Some interesting suggestions. I know Tylenol is good when I'm stiff and benadryl makes me fall asleep while doing virtually any activity.
I just don't like that the awareness of being incotintent and feeling like the lady in the box sawed half in the old magic trick. She looks out in horror from box #1 and kicks her feet helplessly from box #2
But i will try benadryl. Last time I took it I was at a photo shoot review and kept falling asleep mumbling my true thoughts on the photos I was to critique which was hilarious and insulting to the photographer!
@Maymay941 Make sure you’re in bed at the time that you swallow the Benadryl. Geez, I wish it helped me sleep.
@Maymay941, You are really something! :D That description of your misadventure with benadryl really had me laughing! What a great sense of humor! I would like to have been a fly on the wall at that event! And I also like your take on the lady in the box being sawed in half. I remember those cartoons but I haven't seen any in a long time. I guess ladies in a box being sawed in half have fallen out of favor these days.
FYI...A few years ago after having knee surgery I was having a difficult time getting to sleep. I then saw an ad for ZzzQuil which was suppose to help you get to sleep, and WOW it worked like a charm! I was thrilled, and when I told a nurse friend of mine about it she asked what was in it. I showed her the bottle and she instantly said, "Oh, Benadryl". She said that it is actually a muscle relaxer and that is what was helping relieve my leg pain. She said that is the first thing they give to a patient that's having difficultly getting to sleep.
What I know about zzzquil is that it is very hard to wake up in the morning. I really appreciate all these suggestions however.
My guess is that I relax my bladder muscles when I start to fall asleep along with all the other muscles so by staying tight I control my blsdder as I did last night
I haven't taken Zzzquil but if it makes it very hard to wake up in the morning, I really don't need that! I don't know if this works but I hear that when you're in bed just relax your feet first, work your way up to the legs, and then relax your body and then keep going up and supposedly that will help you fall asleep. Anybody else know about that?
Benadryl is an antihistamine. Its drug name is diphenhydramine. It has sedative effects and is used in many OTC sleep aid drugs because of this. It helps you relax because of the sedative and so can help relax muscles, but it's not in the muscle relaxant class. So be careful to not accidentally double dose by taking a benadryl for allergies and a sleep aid that has diphenhydramine. Most benadryl doses are 25mg and most sleep aid diphenhydramine is 12.5mg. For those that still feel zzzquil and other benadryl/diphenhydramine products in the morning, diphenhydramine has a longer half life than most drugs and can last up to 12 hours. Well past morning if taken at night to sleep.
Steven 1980: I don't doubt a thing you are saying, you are obviously much more well versed in this subject than I or my nurse friend who I'm sure was dumbing down the explanation for me. All I know is that it worked like a miracle drug for me, and I didn't have ANY problem at all waking up and (finally) feeling great after a good (8 hours) nights sleep. I'm sure that this will vary greatly from person to person as is the case with most drugs. All I can relate is my personal experience.
Oh I get ya. As a sedative, it works great. Histamine in your body can drag you down too. That's why allergies make you feel like crap because of the histamines. Taking a antihistamine counters that . Your sleep and day time might be affected by histamines more than you knew and you could be helping yourself in more ways than just sleep. Btw, I never wish to come across as knowing more or correcting someone. I'm no expert by far. If I made you feel like I was being that way, I deeply apologize.
Because of pain from moderately severe osteoarthritis, I take a sleeping pill (zopiclone) and pain medication (tramadol) at night, and I wear a high-capacity diaper (Rearz Inspire+ or Confidry 24/&). Despite all that, the arthritis pain sometimes keeps me awake, but my incontinence does not.
Good evening @Inconinmiss, Have you tried a heating pad? I've never used one myself but supposedly the heat is good for arthritis pain. You have to plug it in and from what I've seen you can control how much or how little heat you want. Since it's probably now starting to get cooler up where you are (or at least fairly soon,) that may be an option worth looking at. Glad to hear the Rearz Inspire-plus or Confidry 24 are up to the task!
Inconinmiss, I know some of my remedies are pretty old school and often there is now a drug that supposedly replaces everything! An old method that I have used for a very long time is Epsom Salt baths, used to be in every locker room. It does two things for me, by using the epsom salt in as hot of water as you can stand it the salt makes your body buoyant and takes pressure off of your joints, and the heat relaxes me and the muscles and tendons that often cause me cramping literally from my neck to my toes. I too have osteoarthritis in many of my joints which as you’ve said can be incredibly painful. The osteophytes in my knee are almost as big as my thumb on my right knee, and have about doubled the thickness of my kneecap on the left. My conundrum now is I have to exercise my knees back to round after slowly going egg shaped over the years due to the arthritis, just so the knee replacements will fit in the sockets. You can always add a glass of wine or a good Scotch to this recipe, haven’t found any bad interactions yet!
Hi @Sprung87 I've always believed that the old school remedies are usually the best and most reliable. I have used Epsom salts for tendinitis in my feet and for me it's just relaxing to put your feet in water as hot as you can stand and sit there and let the salts go to work! And yes, definitely, a glass of wine or a good Scotch makes it all go that much smoother! 🍺
Inconimiss and all who replied here:
I went to bed with an incredible feeling of peace last night.
We might be incontinent, yes, that's what brought us together but you are GOOD PEOPLE. you reach out to share your wisdom, life hacks and to encourage others on the path in the body we were given. That's THE BEST of humanity. You are doing THIS.
Inconimiss why your post touched me is that it reminded me how many years you've coped and how long I've been privileged to know some in this community.
Wish we had all met under different circumstances but
there it is. The gift of incontinence is not shame and suffering but rising above to be our best selves.
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