I have noticed if i lie down on the sofa blades during the day to read or to nap when i sit up i feel very loose in the bladder muscles and frequently can barely stumble to the toilet. Frequently cant gain muscle control before wetting myself.
If i sit upright or slightly recline in an arm chair in the day i have full control when i need to go.
I lie down in bed and pee sometimes a continuous flow or trickle all night starting when i relax to sleep which wakes me up again but now its too late, i stay relatively loose bladder muscled even if i get up pee in toulet and walk around.
My hypothesis us that sitting semi upright reclining in a chair puts different pressure on my bladder from internal organs OR creates a different neurological signal to my bladder muscles i dont know which.
So perhaps try sleeping semi up right in bed?
As i dont sleep soundly when peeing i figure its worth a try.
I should say for the record i am not a victum of an accident that caused incontinence or have any known causing illness like duabetes. I have control and pee less thsn msny women friends during the day. Doctors wrote me off as a sound sleeper middle aged woman because eomen are prone to leaky. Bladers.
So folks who bed wet might find a semi upright sleeping position worth a try.
If i sit upright or slightly recline in an arm chair in the day i have full control when i need to go.
I lie down in bed and pee sometimes a continuous flow or trickle all night starting when i relax to sleep which wakes me up again but now its too late, i stay relatively loose bladder muscled even if i get up pee in toulet and walk around.
My hypothesis us that sitting semi upright reclining in a chair puts different pressure on my bladder from internal organs OR creates a different neurological signal to my bladder muscles i dont know which.
So perhaps try sleeping semi up right in bed?
As i dont sleep soundly when peeing i figure its worth a try.
I should say for the record i am not a victum of an accident that caused incontinence or have any known causing illness like duabetes. I have control and pee less thsn msny women friends during the day. Doctors wrote me off as a sound sleeper middle aged woman because eomen are prone to leaky. Bladers.
So folks who bed wet might find a semi upright sleeping position worth a try.