Scared to death!


Staff member
My prostate issues are more severe than anticipated after the urologist ordered another PSA; the results went into the “it’s time to think cancer” levels. He reviewed the MRI again and felt that since the prostate is pushing out into my bladder and binding my urethra, based upon the first review, that it is definitely a malignant situation. I was on the phone with with to discuss my options and decision. I was shocked but without hesitation agreed to the radical prostatectomy because it’s definitely cancer; fortunately still scheduled for Wednesday.
I was already sporadically incontinent, and came to terms… this is not the prognosis I expected. I am now going to face things I heard about. I am scared!
We will all be praying for you. Modern medicine is amazing and with God’s help nothing is impossible. No matter what happens, He will be with you.
@cyclist Honestly, there was a while back. It was “negative”. I really should have asked for another one but I trust that the PSA and MRI were enough evidence. Thanks for asking the question, though.
I'm not questioning the decision at all. I've had MRIs and biopsies over the years, tracking the progression, leading to a prostatectomy a month ago before it has a chance to get beyond the prostate. High PSA, especially if it's been trending up, plus MRI, which can show lesions that can be graded. Good luck.
My prostate was bulging on one side, turned out to be the side with cancer (biopsy and inspection after removal). So the doc went wide on that side, taking the nerves and all. The first month was no fun but not like torture. My rotator cuff surgeries hurt a lot worse. Got depressed a couple times. Wore several depends for a few months, then pads, then one light pad a day. Took a year but now I’m dry and pad free. And cancer free. I’ll pray for you. Good luck.
I’m 9-10 weeks out from prostatectomy for cancer. It’s no picnic but the folks on this forum are a huge help. You can get through this too.I’m pulling for you
I'll echo Boomer59. The surgery is no small deal. I didn’t have much pain associated with it though. The recovery and the incontinence are more challenging. Manageable but challenging. Stick close to this forum and ask all the questions you want. Prayers sent.
Get a second and third opinion from qualified urologists. Look at non-invasive procedures, such as high intensity focused ultra sound (widely used around the world with high success rates and low side effects - now approved in the US) and proton treatment.

I deeply regret my decision to have a prostatectomy (December 2019 and I still leak - consultation for pelvic sling surgery scheduled for December 5). Yes, I am free of cancer makers but I kick myself every day for not doing more reseach and getting second and third opinions.

Good luck!
Like I said this forum is super helpful. Yes I agree with the others. You should explore second and even third opinion’s if you wish. Also other treatment options like radiation. Unfortunately with this disease there is no free lunch. Prostatectomy equals incontinence (I’m still looking for improvement 2 months out) and ED (which I care less about) both of which are immediate post op even with nerve sparing techniques.
With radiation you are delaying side effects
As chuck11 said the surgery is a very aggressive choice but it’s the way I felt worked best for me. I’ll agree with him not a lot of pain by post op day 2 but the harder thing is in incontinence. I’m not patient and at 2 months it’s really bothering me but I don’t have cancer any longer. Also make sure you are comfortable with the provider you choose. And please continue to reach out to others for information and then you can choose the path you feel is right for you.
We're all rooting for you @MAM. Praying that it is not cancer. I cried when my mom was diagnosed- but don't let anybody scare you or get you down. She is doing great now! Push through any diagnosis whatever it is - because strength can get us through anything.

Blessings In Christ,
I had only a 4.5 PSA, a negative digital exam, and an inconclusive MRI. But the biopsy showed a Gleason 9 cancer. The post-prostatectomy pathology showed that the cancer had just breached the capsule. Given the negative indicators, the docs all thought they had caught the cancer early, but after the pathology, they told me I was lucky that they had not waited another three weeks since it was growing so fast. The surgery and aftermath was not very painful. I recovered quickly. But, my PSA came back four months after the surgery, so I also did the radiation and hormone treatment. You deal with each issue as it arises. Like the others, praying for you.
Having had a hysterectomy to get rid of cancer, I’m a fan of having cancer cut out. Much better than chemo, radiation, etc. I’ve also had a melanoma and after five surgeries, it was also finally all cut out. What you’re about to go through sounds like hell and it’s always hard to walk into a surgery with your own two feet, knowing you’ll feel so much worse when you wake up, by your own choice. But it’s the best thing to do.
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