Newbie - struggling and scared.


Staff member
Hi everyone I am a 40 something female struggling with this issue now... I really don`t know where to turn to or whom to talk with about this, Since last year in January I was diagnosed with having the lumbar spine, Gout, and thyroid issues ok and here comes the big one ever since taking medications for that my bladder has a mind of its own, at times I have no sensation, so am wearing the adult pads it is getting to the point that my doctor subscribe yet another medication, which didn`t help an made it even worse, so I stopped it and now my doctor has referred me to see the Emergency ward and has taken that medication off my medical history, I just feel so alone with this and am really afraid to even walk out the door, to the shops, go around the block, An now I have a face to face with my consultant to get back into the workforce,I am really scared when and if I get employed, what will happen in the workplace how will people approach me when there is leakage of my pads.
I can understand why you’d be scared, but you really don’t need to be. Tons of people live completely normal lives with bladder issues. If it can be fixed that’s wonderful, if not get protection that works for you. What can you not do in a good diaper that you can in regular underwear? The answer is nothing. It takes some getting used to, but many people find the right protection and feel liberated.
Have you tried Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy to regain bladder control? I was in your situation-total incontinenct, but got there by a different route. Still, I thought I was facing a collapse of my entire way of life. Then I went to PFPT and it changed everything. Two years out, I am still continent. I know this does not work for everyone, but it is worth looking into.

I have a post in this forum on what I learned from that experience; it is here:
Do you have a urologist who specializes in treating women? It sounds as if your physician has not helped you to explore all of the possibilities for dealing with your condition. There are exercises that can be done that will help strengthen the muscles that you need to control your urine flow; sometimes simple dietary changes are helpful; and there are all of those absorbent products on supermarket and drugstore shelves... I have carried a large purse for the last several years: in addition to the usual wallet, keys, and handkerchief, it contains what I call "just in case" supplies (a spare protective undergarment and a plastic bag for discrete disposal in ladies' lavatories.) Sometimes it takes a while, but there is a solution out there that will be right for you.
Ok thank you, everyone, for the wonderful information here, Now I changed doctor`s my new doctor has done blood test`s and now after all this it has come to the conclusion of having the lower back connected to pelvis joints pushing down, which is so far the reason of understanding the cause of my problem.

My Doctor has me seeing a physiotherapy person and yet again am told it is the weight gain pushing down, As I also suffer from arthritis and gout and just been diagnosed with having high blood pressure as well as being a diabetic, this is so much to take in at one time so am just gonna take it one day at a time.

Then the following appts I have to have done is seeing a dietitian in September as she is out a town.

At the moment as this issue has overcome me I am currently looking into using other products and not been successful in finding one that has no leakages.

Though still checking out all the information online as asking in person is like hard for me I know am told a lot by the physicians that I am not the only one going through this and not everyone deals with this kind of issue the same way either.
Cig_gal, didn't any Dr. recommend a urology Dr.
they seem to know more about the bladder problems. I started to use ApexM and it is really helping . Just goggle incontrol medical. It does the kegal excersizes for you. The tecs are real nice to talk to .They are all women and the really help a lot. I think it will help you since you are only 40byears old. I am 68 and I see improvements. Good luck , use the phone no that's on the net
Hi Colin13,
Well my old male doctor recommended I do my own research on whom to see as Urologist,

As they are not bulked billed over here, Been searching like for so long, I just feel like giving up at times and throwing my hands in the air, who is the right person to see, who is on hand to help,

For here you need to be in the know if the doctor cannot help, the next thing left is the internet to turn too, Feeling ever so alone,

I changed to a lady doctor and she has me doing physiotherapy 3 sessions and no good as she just basically concentrated on my weight and stretches on the 3rd session, she wants me to come back for another therapy session even after time and time again have told her the reason,

My Female doctor advised me to book an appointment within there surgery, it so felt like she was not listening, so there won`t another appointment with her again, total waste of time with that,

Now that she has seen me do some stretches, send a report to my doctor downstairs, A will find out then what the next step is going to be,

My doctor knows I cannot really travel far with the side effects of medications and trying one thing at a time,

I hope the next step will see a neurologist/urologist as she once says to me, we take it one step at a time,

Anxiety really doesn`t help my situation,( I really do not do well with being on the phone.)

I just wish to thank you for the information, advice, Goodluck much appreciated,

I will look into that am still new to this and the going`s on.
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