New to this and looking for answers.


Staff member
Hi i am 52 years old and struggling with nighttime issues..badly. I have gained weight due to thyroid out of wack but now under control...which has basically made everything "drop: muscle wise. Doctor justs smiles and says if i loose weight itll get better. O dont lrak during the day unless i sneeze or cough hard etc. I am upset, ashamed and at a loss how to possibly correct all of it. I take blood pressure medication as well. Help where do i begin??
Get proper protection for night time and that should at least reduce the stress of incidents during the night. Like above go see a urologist for answers. Very hard to give other advice at least your thyroid is under control now. I would just try to focus on the positives around you as with incontinence it will take a bit for you to learn what works for you. No need to be ashamed. Lots of people suffer from these issues. I am a 37 years old male suffering these issues from MS. Oh the joys. In terms of the meds they may help you they may not so don’t assume they will fix your problems. Stay positive it does get better. :)

Where to begin?? Well first you are here and that is a good start. People here are awesome and supportive.

I'd say get a proper and full evaluation of your situation from a competent medical person. Once that is complete you will have a better understanding from them on options and directions to take.

Most of all stay positive.
@ Cheri81:

Yes, by all means consult a Urologist -- THE specialist in such matters.

Please understand that seeking answers and solutions is a process, not
just one event that explains it all. Not to be discouraged, though.

That's just the way it is in medicine. That 'process' routinely works to
rule out a number of possible causes before the right diagnosis is found --
so that a more highly focused treatment protocol can begin.

Therefore, expect multiple tests.

A positive mind-set and good humor are excellent helpers ....

Along with a number of supportive and informed people here.

Wishing you well.
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