MayMay, your comment on the graphic is dead accurate. Glad we found out it is for real. I also had the same reaction to the concept - that night-time sleep movements might be a problem. Or just getting up to do whatever (Feed the woodstove?). Then i remembered that i have, ahem, a device that has a similar problem - a CPAP. For those that don't know, it's a machine supplying pressurized air to keep the airway open during sleep, "solves" the problem of Sleep-Apnea. Which has a considerable bigger connect-tube, plus a mask that has to stay in place. Fortunately, there are quite a variety of "masks" for different fit, sleep habits, preferences, etc. Mine works, the vast majority of the time. Since i know someone who could possibly use this, I'll pass it on.
She'd love to see updates from anyone who has tried it, or knows someone who has.
I have some doubts about what seems a too-short tube. Will have to call , see it there is a longer one as an option.