Doctors Divorced From Your Reality

@BarbaraDrabek Whilst we have socialised healthcare there are parallels here. I find the NHS are great for the 'big' things - there are amazing hospitals/facilities around the country doing brilliant work but the main issue is how overstretched GP surgeries are which means getting diagnoses and referrals is a long, drawn out process. If you want any movement or results you have to pay to go private. Were it not for the fact that all my hospital tests came back normal (a common occurrence with Long Covid it seems) I'd have got a private consult but doubt I'd gain anything so am happy to wait as it's all a big unknown scientifically it seems.

I also agree with new doctors being the best. I see parallels with teaching in the state sector - you start out all young and enthusiastic but after a while you get beaten down with the system as well! When I was admitted to hospital last year it was a medical student who asked me about my incontinence, how I was managing it, how I felt about it and tried to arrange for me to see a urologist whilst I was in hospital. She remains the only healthcare professional who's actually asked how I deal with my bladder/bowel issues. Due to various procedures and physical checks the doctors could see I was wearing nappies but never mentioned it or offered any advice.

@billliveshere I think part of the issue is that bar a couple, all my GP appointments have been phone calls due to Covid and so they haven't seen me struggling with a crutch. That being said, I have repeatedly mentioned mobility issues. Again, no referrals to services or anything. Part of the issue is that I desperately need evidence to get stuff in place for my MSc. Had a great chat with the disability advisor at university who said they can take wheelchair access into account when booking seminar rooms etc. but obviously they needed evidence. The fact I was physically unable to do the test the other day should at least be proof of my need for a wheelchair so don't see the GPs not playing ball. It's funny - because all my disability evidence is for my autism they were mainly concerned about that but I did a teaching degree a couple of years ago with no supports in place for the autism and indeed taught abroad before that in very stressful circumstances. All my barriers currently are physical.
The biggest thing I can say about everything I have been/am dealing with is that doctors don't seem to see the mental side effect of not treating us with dignity and respect.

The GI doctor that I had all the problems with at the beginning I feel was treating my like she was because I am a man.

There is very much a suck it up mentality going on and I even deal with it from my Dad.

No one else can understand you/my pain so it is our job to get them to understand or at the very least do something about it.

That is my biggest struggle. I don't want the doctors thinking I am seeking pain meds... But I freaking need something.

Ice packs and IcyHot don't cut it when the pain is inside you.
i know. I took so much pain medication unnecessary because of my ex. I screwed up my body. I would like to go out in peace. I would also like to be a better person.
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