Staff member
There is a you tube channel by a woman called Empowered Para which a lovely woman who is wheelchair abled and has significant continence issues talks about all aspects of her life from being badly injured causing the incontinent aspects and loss of use of lower body .
I stumbled on her again today she was posting for Dating with disability.
She has many posts on living dating marrying having a full life with incontinence and in a wheelchair
This channel might be helpful for some of us not just about dating but simply relating to others.
Overall she has a good life attitude and is very informative on all things incontinence
I stumbled on her again today she was posting for Dating with disability.
She has many posts on living dating marrying having a full life with incontinence and in a wheelchair
This channel might be helpful for some of us not just about dating but simply relating to others.
Overall she has a good life attitude and is very informative on all things incontinence