Regaining continence after prostatectomy


Staff member
Is there a board that talks about exercises and methods for getting back continence? I can’t find anything and think there must be discussion about how to hold it? Maintenance of balance when standing and trying to hold it. All those things would seem to be lively and helpful to discuss.
I went to therapy for my incontinence and it works. I need to exercise to keep up the statue quote, try to find a physical therapist in your area that specializes in this. IF you live in SW FL, I had some names for you. Go to the web site of the national incontinence association that features this blog. I bet they have some names for you. Good Luck.
I'm too new to this forum to know if there are useful threads on regaining continence after a prostatectomy. However, there is a lot of info out there on the web or in social media. Most of it revolves around kegels and more kegels. Your surgeon provided some info, right?
It seems that most guys regain some or a lot of their urinary continence. I actually regained some though it stalled at "moderately incontinent" which is the main warning: things don't always work out and even when it does it seems that many guys wear a pad for the just in case scenarios (coughing, sneezing, jumping up and down, exercising, etc.). Others go for surgical repairs if they fail to improve after a year or two. In my case, improvement slowed and stopped a while ago and I am doing fine though I am padded 24/7.
BarbaraDrabek & jdtat: Barb, i found jdtat closer to the reality I - and my support group - find/found. Kegels either don't "cure" it, or they help just part way and no farther. I'm sure it works for someone, just haven't met that someone. There are an astonishing number of physical therapists, here. Haven't found the type of specialist you mention, none of them have anyone to recommend. We have one, count them one, urologist, so i spent well over $1200 dollars flying to a big NW city. Didn't do me a lick of good, as i can't afford to stay in that city for that, nor was i encouraged to try. The urologist there said surgery "might" help/work. This forum doesn't make me optimistic. "Water Pills" in the morning seemed to have helped (Prescribed for something else) - i was warned not to take them in the evening. More discipline on eating and drinking seem to help. Weight loss seems to help. Not cures, but I'll accept "helps".
AlasSouth: To expand, briefly, on my comments. In my case I found that if I did a near constant kegel I could be sort of continent. However, I still wore Depends Guards in my shorts. When I tried to switch to a lighter Shield I realized I leaked a little bit anyway. After some soul searching I went back to Depends Fit Flex pullups and relaxed and acted 'normally'. Incontinent but no hassles. This was important as I had often had to run to the nearest restroom to prevent a flood even while doing a kegel. With the greater protection of pullup briefs and tabbed diapers at night I am no longer sweating it to try to make it to the restroom. For men with intractable incontinence from prostate surgery or other causes, there are surgical options such as the artificial urinary sphincter--some guys post prostatectomy surgery have had those implanted and really like the results. If I understand it right, however, you still need to wear a guard or pullup just in case and the two deal breakers for me were: 1) activates via a button implanted in one's scrotum forcing one to dig around to start the stream and 2) often leads to tissue erosion after a few years. Thus, great for older guys but I'm pretty sure not for me.
jdthat, i understand. I'm reading on the couch and figure i better get up to pee, but it seems like no big deal. Once i stand up, it is actually painful. No matter how hard i hold it (kegel), it is super hard not to get at least one spurt. Simple pads take care of it but the bathroom better be in reach. Same for getting out of bed. Horizontal = fine. Vertical = super-urgent-to-the-point-of-pain. I'm not young, and i have the same deal-killers with any of the surgical procedures my urologist listed - and he seems to have no enthusiasm for them either. Said i could get them done, if i wanted.
And if this site's spell-checker-correction doesn't stop making hash of my text, I'm going to scream.
Sorry for all your problems-I couldn't afford to fly somewhere for $1,200 and not get help for you. write to the Association that sponsors this blog and see if they can help you search. I wish I could help. Where do you live? Maybe a Clinic or Duke or try to find a teaching hospital tah teaches doctors to be urologists. Maybe they have some suggestions. I know everyone needs exams and to think and research. I have no idea on what to tell you. I know pan is terrible. I had a lot of it in my life with my brain tumor. It screwed up my whole body and life. Try to do the best you can. Pray also-prayer has helped me a lot. Sounds like jdat has some success with surgery or knew of guys who did. My heart goes out to you. Life is tough. Blessings always
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