continence recovery after prostatectomy

I had robotic prostatectomy 2 weeks ago and the catheter removed this past Tuesday. I'm trying to find out as much as possible about what I'm going through and what I can expect as far as recovery and getting continence back. Just reading what everyone has been saying here, is very encouraging and I thank you all for sharing your experiences. I realize I have a long way to go and am very confident and positive that I will get back to as close to "normal" as I can, realizing that "normal" is now different.

I am doing the Kegel exercises daily as recommended by my surgeon and I head off to the toilet every hour on the hour to minimize leakage. I woke up wet this morning after an excellent night's sleep (won't do that again!) and luckily we had the forethought to place a waterproof pad on the bed so there was no wet bed situation. My Depends were quite full!

Looking forward to learning more from the group and will share my experiences.
Erich, Real progress for me after about 3-4 weeks, mostly dry laying or sitting. Docs don't prepare you fir this, but these guys are a great help. You'll have progress and setbacks, you'll learn lessons that will help you minimize leakage and hopefully become fully contienent again. Just dont get discouraged.
It's been four and a half weeks since prostate removal and three weeks since the catheter was removed and I thought I'd give a short report to see what others think. I'm down to four pads each day and I use one pull-up at night. Last night I got up three times with the feeling I had to empty my bladder. There was no leakage into the pull-up (it's been this way for almost a week now). I have control during the day when I'm sitting, but when I walk or climb up a short ladder for hobby work, I do get leakage. I am doing Kegels 5-10 seconds each x 10 with the series being repeated 6 times each day. So far, I'm pleased with my progress, but still working on trying to keep dry while walking, etc. I go back to see the surgeon in three weeks and should have a PSA report at that time.
@ericy sounds very similar to my experience. By week 8 I switched from 1 heavy pad a day to 1 light shield a day and by week 9 no pad at night. I think you are making a remarkable recovery. I believe the only way to get dry by walking is to walk. I found I was still wet befire my 3 mile walk was over, but I would be dry farther in the walk each time. My first PSA is on the 17th. Hope we both get good news.
Gkimp, fingers crossed for two good PSA reports! I took your advice yesterday and walked a mile to start, figuring I can get outside more often - however, the snow that arrived during the night and the storm coming tonight into tomorrow, is cutting my walking plans short. I'll be back out as soon as the roads are clear. Luckily, this has been a pretty clear winter for us in the Finger Lakes region of New York State, so I'm hopeful to start walking outside again soon.
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