received bad news


Staff member
i know this isn't incontinence related but i need to vent. i went to my orthopedic surgeon today.
i have an infection in my left ankle, a screw from my surgery in my right ankle has moved, and he doesn't think my fusion in my right ankle worked/isn't healing properly.

i go for a ct scan on monday and will meet with him later in the week. i've been through 6 surgeries and ill be damned if i have another one. technically 8 surgeries with my pain implant.

i'm tired. ill never be able to bike again. if this keeps going in this direction i may not be able to walk again without at least assistive devices.

im frustrated. and scared.
Having gone through finger amputations, a spinal cord injury and a pain pump I truly feel for you and sure neither blame you for venting nor for saying no more surgeries. I will be keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers. Good luck and please keep us posted on how things are for you.
So sorry to hear about your infection. Can it be treated medically or are they saying it needs to come out?
@Maymay941 I was having the same problem too, read the new post about the new "hearts" feature, in short Cntrl-F5 should fix it for you (at least on Windows).
So, so sorry to learn of your bad news. I'm glad you wrote, and hope our replies will be helpful as you deal with this.
Thanks everyone. Sorry it took me a couple days to respond. I've been depressed and sleeping a lot. Tomorrow is my ct scan and Thursday I see the doctor again. He responded to an email I sent him asking about amputation. He says that's extreme and there are certainly other ways we can try (including surgery). I'll get through it. I always do. I don't have an aide today so I'm kinda just isolating
First thing is to clear up infection.
If you need a mobility aide i strongly recommend Drive Rollator can be through medicaid im told. It has lightweight and wheels gracefully like a bicycle swooping and gliding in tight spaces. Has a comfortable fold out seat and folds with a snap of one hand to a thin curved wafer.
Get tall size if you are over 5 ft 7".
I chose not to pursue surgery on hip injury and it is the best way to roll and sturdiest.
I have to use crutches or a wheelchair right now because my ankle hurts so much when I put weight on it. I need to lose weight but it's hard when you cant walk.
@justej It's hard to lose weight when you do walk! I know it sux for you right now, but remember these things are cyclical and better times are head even if that's not evident right now.
Sorry to hear you are dealing with this!
Did you have scan today?
My husband used to do tree work back in the 70s. His knees and ankles were already becoming seriously arthritic in his 30s. Then a tree spike went thru his ankle.
Ended his career. Went thru several surgeries including an ankle fusion. Got a bad infection in the ankle bone...ostmye...something.
Extreme pain and had to undergo multiple IV antibiotic treatments.
No joke!
He also became very depressed.
So I can understand how you're feeling.
Prayers for relief for both the pain and depression!

Sorry I'm a little late in responding. I had my ct scan on Monday but wont know the results until Thursday. He may put me in s hard cast. He may reccomend surgery. Who knows. I hope no cast because I'm supposed to go see a band play on Saturday. This is totally killing my social life! Lol

Thanks again everyone
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