5 years ago today i beame incontinent

Boasammy - I can relate to trying to diaper missing a limb. I’ve become a master at one legged diapering. Luckily my cat is continent so only one of us has to deal with that.

Jason - sorry to hear about your friend man. My friends have been there for me with both my incontinence and amputation. Although I do have days where I feel alone. That no one can relate. Some days are better than others. And gadget is a great name for a cat. I love it. :)
Jason i just reread the comments between you and EJ and i am compelled to tell you, any support or kindness to your friend, it mattered, it matters. The results of kindness are not ours to choose but even the smallest show of concern has impact we will bever truly know.
I may not know much when i reach the end of my life but i will always know this:
Kindness matters.

badger wears a bellyband, not a diaper. it is still pretty funny.

justej, i find it fantastic and amazing that you have become a MASTER at one-legged diapering.

to jason and and all, i deeply believe what maymay wrote-kindness matters always. showing up for your friend was an act of kindness, ans i hope you will believe that.
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