Self cathiterization


Staff member
I had a urodynamics test done on Friday. For a little background on January 3rd 2014 I fell down an escalator and broke my ankle in 4 places. I thought that was it but I started having trouble controlling my bladder. I lived in silence for awhile because I was ashamed. I lived next to a medical supply store so I started buying attends. They leaked but I didnt know there were other options. I went online and found a support forum. I went to a urologist and she was amazing. She tried doing a urodynamics test and after 4 tries of trying to get the catheter in she stopped. Over the next couple of years I went through every medication out there. I found better protection online and swore I would never do another catheter test because I was so traumatized by the first one. I went through a couple of urologists and my current one convinced me to do another test. They got the catheter in this time and found out I have a paralyzed atonic neurogenic bladder. I had damaged my nerves in my fall. So now i have to self cath every 4 to 5 hours. I get taught on monday how to do it. I wanna know what others experience with this is. Thanks and sorry for the long post.
I have been using a self cath for almost two years because I cannot completely empty my bladder. Initially it was tricky to insert (I am female) but now, after four times a day for two years, it's easy. Practice makes perfect, at least easier. I still use pads but many fewer than before.
Hi Justej, I am male and have been self cathing for about a year now. In my case it is to stop scar tissue blocking my bladder neck after surgery. Like you I also leak and I am currently having further investigations to see if I have nerve damage from surgery. Anyway, after a few days the self cathing becomes almost routine. The only advice I can give you is to relax as much as you can before entering and to keep your hands and your penis as clean as possible. good luck with it all.
I'm transgendered (female to male) so I still have female anatomy. I'm planning on wearing a pull up even with the self cathing because I don't want any leaks. I currently wear a full tabbed diaper so a pull up will be better. Thanks for both of your responses.
HI Justej,
I am an OT who has worked with folks that have experienced spinal cord injuries, they have nerve damage similar to what you are describing.
Many of them have been trained to catheterize themselves every 4-6 hours. And in addition to the cathing, they have to pay attention to what they are eating and drinking and timing of their cathing. say for instance you go out for dinner at a Mexican restaurant and eat spicy food that you chase with a caffeinated soda/margarita, those items are all going to increase your output, those are bladder stimulating/irritating foods. You just want to pay attention to the input, it gives better chances you can be in control of output/managing it more effectively.
Also, many of my patients have used feminine hygiene pads,like those used for heavy days, as they hold more fluids than a depends/brief.
I don't like spicy foods and have severely cut back on caffeine. I don't drink alcohol either. Since my bladder is paralyzed food and drink don't affect it much. I saw a nurse practitioner this morning to help me with the cathing. I still couldn't get it. I go back next week to try again but honestly I'm ready to give up.
Hi Justej,
thanks for your honesty. I appreciate how frustrating this whole process can be. Can I suggest something kinda out there? Sometimes when we are stressed about something it becomes so much harder: think peopletrying to get pregnant who after they finally adopt a baby, get pregnant within months of getting their adopted baby.
to address your subconscious stress around this, consider being hypnotized. I know it sounds crazy, butif you're a little more relaxed, the whole cath thing might just happen effortlessly. don't give up, you can do it!!!
Just wanted to give an update. I met with the nurse practitioner at my urologists office. I was able to self cath 3 times on my own. I also have done it twice since I got home. Once I figured out where my freaking urethra was it got much easier. I've only been able to do it lying down but I'll work my way to standing up. I'm taking it slow.
Hi Justej,
Congrats on being able to self-cath! I have neurogenic bladder from a hysterecomy 14 years ago and I remember sitting on the toilet crying when I could not get it to work! Now I don't event think twice. It just takes some time and practice. Good luck and hang in there! I promise, it gets easier!
Thanks lavallo. I definitely shed a few tears in frustration. I'm for sure hanging in there. I've found the compact catheter works great for me. I can pretty much get it every time. I'll be recieving a shipment for a months worth from my supplier today.
I will no longer be doing self catheterization. I'm recovering from a terrible antibiotic resistant bladder infection that I got as a result of cathing. It's too risky for me to continue.
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