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I had a urodynamics test done on Friday. For a little background on January 3rd 2014 I fell down an escalator and broke my ankle in 4 places. I thought that was it but I started having trouble controlling my bladder. I lived in silence for awhile because I was ashamed. I lived next to a medical supply store so I started buying attends. They leaked but I didnt know there were other options. I went online and found a support forum. I went to a urologist and she was amazing. She tried doing a urodynamics test and after 4 tries of trying to get the catheter in she stopped. Over the next couple of years I went through every medication out there. I found better protection online and swore I would never do another catheter test because I was so traumatized by the first one. I went through a couple of urologists and my current one convinced me to do another test. They got the catheter in this time and found out I have a paralyzed atonic neurogenic bladder. I had damaged my nerves in my fall. So now i have to self cath every 4 to 5 hours. I get taught on monday how to do it. I wanna know what others experience with this is. Thanks and sorry for the long post.