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on january 3rd of 2015 i was on my way with a friend to go buy a present for my cat for her birthday (dont judge). we were headed to pet smart walking down an escelator to the train when my right ankle gave out. i dont know how far i fell, maybe halfway down but i fell on my tailbone. 911 was called and i was carried up the escelator by 2 ambulance drivers. i remember the ambulance ride clearly. i said every swear word you can think of. the paramedic kept saying "dont look at your leg. dont look at your leg. of course i did. my foot was almost completely twisted to a 180 degree angle. when i got to the hospital i was given 4 shots of delodid. it took them 3 times to try to reset my ankle. it was broken in 4 places. i got home and thats when the accidents started. i kept it to myself but shortly thereafter started getting attends from the medical supply by my house. they were horrible. i am pretty computer savvy and found an incontinence site that had a support forum band began posting there. i found better diapers on xp medical thanks to that forum. my roommate found out and was extremely supportive. little by little i told my family and some friends. i went to the urologist and had a battery of tests and was diagnosed with a paralyzed neurogenic bladder. nothing can really be done. when i fell i damaged the nerves in my bladder and now it is paralyzed. my leg never healed and on june 12th of this last year my leg was amputated below the knee. im still in diapers but its gotten easier. time heals wounds. today brings up some emotions for me, though....