Radical removal of prostate surgery- urinary incontinence problems

Dr Rick. I agree with you that it is about quality of life. My reason for delaying slightly is to see if I improve a bit more. After my catheter was removed I was leaking 600 mls per day. That has improved most days, sometimes in single figures but on other days it can be in double figures. The last few days have been tough because I have a very sore throat and endless coughing which has increased my leakage substantially. The Mayo clinic is obviously well respected but I have read of a number of medical centres and some research papers that speak of 18 months to two years. Hence my decision to wait a wee while. I do find any amount of leakage frustrating so who knows I may just go for it sooner. As I live in Northern Ireland there is only one hospital that does RP and anyone having sling or AUS surgery has to travel to England. Also I don't know how long the waiting time is under the National Health Service which would be free to me. Maybe I might have to consider paying privately
Not sure about that bit, but at least the operation will be and is by far the most expensive bit. I guess it could cost £9000 if I was impatient and wanted in done immediately. A flight from here is less than £100 and I suspect you would need an overnight in a hotel
@Hbrownlow Yikes, that’s a steep price. I would probably just wear nappies and wait to get it for free.
Partly because of underfunding and the COVID pandemic some operations are not seen as life threatening and there can be a longer wait time. I had my prostatectomy within a matter of a few weeks after the biopsy because the cancer treatment was obviously a priority. However, I have an elderly neighbour who had a hip replacement done on the NHS 5 years ago. She needed the other hip done but the waiting list is now several years so she went privately and had it done within a week.
Many questions remain about AUS. Guys on this forum state needing a 1-2 “light”pad(s) per day, afterwards, depending upon their activity. I believe being an athletic elder is one’s best bet for longevity. I’m one, 3x/wk with power yoga and weights - xeriscaping 3x/wk in the desert. And after RP, I think intense activity will prompt leakage with AUS or not. Others’ AUS cures leaking immediately until replacement is needed. Others after surgery and before activation suffer glitches, i.e, catheterisation, corrective surgeries, much pain, reversals, etc. Some devices last fewer years (I’ve seen 5-8) than promised/expected requiring early replacement. So do your research, as everyone’s success rate is different.

Considering the many guys in this forum, who had RP, have priorly been mislead, poorly informed about after effects, etc. So it’s wise to be circumspect about what a urologist does or doesn’t promise - AUS or not.
Hello again Cay,I noticed as well the leakage had Def slowed down due to the swellness.i prey as well this does work for us.At first with everything swollen I know there is a device there but I really can't get the feel of it so if they asked me to squeeze today the device I wouldn't know what I was doing...has your resided to the point you can feel it better and did they tell you to stretch down gently on your testis 3 times a day.Anyway thanks for getting back to me I am 56 from fall river ma,mass,, where you from
I'm 20 months post RP and told that after 1 yr the incontinence should cease. After all the kegel exercises still had light incontinence (1 pad/day to more with heavier exercises/activity). Had the sling surgery 4 days ago and having expected positive results with no pad needed. Yes, the surgery area pain is there but happy so far.
Mike_Murray said:
Hello all. Took a while for the swelling to go down following the AUS implant surgery. Once that subsided and the device was activated it worked immediately.
Very glad to have the implant.
hello Mike was it difficult to use once activated ..is there a burrot of some sort to squeeze or just squeeze the device itself when you need to go ..and do you feel you need to go as normal and then pump or squeeze device
@Hbrownlow That’s so disconcerting about your neighbor. My mom is English and we’ve had a lot of relatives die prematurely in England of things that they likely would not have died of had they been in an American hospital.
@stryder I’d rather wear pads or diapers than suffer that long of a surgical recovery for such a short term solution and the potential side effects.

Remember, anytime anything is done to your urethra it leaves scarring, which can eventually block your urinary flow entirely, and make catheterization impossible.

The diagrams sure make it look uncomfortable.
Hello Tylersway818, after the swelling went down I can definitely feel the pump. I was never told to stretch my testis during this period. I wouldn’t want to do that anyway because of the discomfort it would cause. Don’t try to do anything with the device before it’s activated by your doctor, at that time they will give you training on how to use it. Be patient buddy, I’m one of those guys that don’t have any patience but I’ve learned a lot through this process and one of them is patience. Good luck to you. I live in a small town in Pa near Valley Forge.
I have combined dribble and urge UIC since about one year, and I have heard (and talked with my doc) also about surgery options. But in the end I don't sympathize at all with the idea of such a surgery. I have no issues managing my IC with according diapers - doesn't feel uncomfortable to me, I have no pain (unless I don't try too hard to stand an urge), nobody else can see, I have no side effects at all, no problems with my skin, so no reason for me to change anything - I can do all activities without big limitations in the same way as before of my IC started.

This is just my personal point of view, I also understand everyone who dislikes the idea of a life in diapers, and tries a lot to avoid this. But for me it's all about the quality of life, where I don't see limitations in the way I manage my IC - but for someone else this might be totally different!

My biggest fear would be any kind of block of the urinary flow which could cause serous damage to bladder and kidneys and which is more difficult in daily handling. In my eyes a more or less bad control over the outcome of urine is much less worse to live with than a retention ...
I was also given the option of an AUS. I am not a candidate for a sling. I have a number of pins and screws implanted in my shoulders, and have chosen not to add more "stuff" to help me function. I also have a pacemaker. I guess, I can't get quite see pushing a button in order to pee. Plus, from what I have read they have to be replaced in time. I have a number of health issues involving my heart, and axonal peripheral neuropathy, so I will continue to manage my situation with diapers. Maybe I'm giving in, but we all choose what's best for us. I'm nearly 76 years old. Enough is enough for me. I wish all those that have chosen the AUS for incontinence management success.
My first AUS lasted 8 years. I had it replaced last year and I hope it will last my life time....83 & counting!! :)
Stryder, That's always the issue with any medical procedure. I know many men are continent after RP and I am one of the less fortunate statistics. But on other forums I have heard of those with very positive stories with Radiotherapy and Hormone Therapy. But there are others for whom it has been very challenging. I guess you just don't know with any procedure until it's done
Hi guys...as you know I had AUS surgery a couple of months ago and from the very first day I was dry!
If it only lasts 8 years great! It's a lot better than 1,2 or 3 pads a day! For your information I am very active physically... gym 3 days a week plus golf and dog walking...and I'm 86!
As far as using the pump...it's a piece of cake!
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