Radical Prostatectomy

Iuwogeo, You are doing well. And all the guys on this forum are encouraging. I was totally down hearted at 3 months because I saw very little improvement. I was thinking that the artificial sphinter op was the only option. Folks here said to be patient. After another month impacted my Covid and lots of coughing which of course is bad news for the incontinence problem I began to see some improvement. Now at six months I am dry at night, but still wear a very light pad just in case. In the morning and early afternoon it's pretty good most days with just a few millilitres of leakage. Later in the afternoon it gets worse as I get tired. I guess the pelvic floor gets fatigued. And a lot depends on whether you had a more sedentary day or very active. I know the feeling of disappointment when you've had a couple of better days and then a worse day. Sometimes there is no logical reason that you can ascertain as to why you had a bad day. It just seems to be part of the process. Try to keep involved in all the things that interest you and although it's hard try to keep a positive faith filled mindset. Remember too that there are many that have to manage challenging circumstance. The posts here bear testimony to that. My little next door neighbour who is just 12 years old has been battling leukemia for over six months. So while our circumstances are challenging it is important to be thankful too for all the good things in your life. I keep a journal where I record three things each day for which to be thankful. To read over that helps me when I have a down moment. Also although there are many men who regain continence between 3 and 6 months there are some who take up to a year or more. And for the small percentage that have a more serious problem additional treatments are available. To conclude, given you are still very early after your operation it looks like you are doing very well. Be encouraged. God bless

I believe and agree with everything you said above. I know there are many people on this forum and in the world, such as your little next door neighbor and I pray for them all! My faith and spiritual life was HUGE long before all this and is even stronger now, as I know HE is with me (and us) through it all! I often wonder how people without a strong faith life make it in tough times...

Thank you for your kind words of encouragement!

Even with all of the above said, I am still in quite a funk, but I am not shutting down. I am still going to Church, working (luckily, my job allows me to work from home, when needed), coaching my son's football team, going to family events, etc...I don't always feel like it and am usually very fatigued afterwards, but I am still going and with God's grace, I will continue to do so!

I look forward to the days of no incontinence, but am learning to live with it (not much choice, right?!!), but my biggest fear is a positive PSA test showing that the cancer has returned and then have even more treatments - post-op biopsy discovered I was Stage 3 and my Dr/surgeon said that scenario was very likely, but not definite. First post-op PSA test results mid-November, so we will see and then live life PSA test to PSA test, I suppose...

Prayers for all - +God+bless+!!!
Hi Guy,
Just had the surgery in January of this year. I'm 56 and had my prostate removed and a piece of my kidney froze to kill cancer on it. Been quite the year. But things do get better but very slowly unfortunetly. The incontinence sux BIG TIME. I was using 10 to 12 pads a day for the first few months. Very frustrating. But I prayed daily for God to help heal me and I started slowly going down on pads. Today, I use 1 or 2 during the day and 1 at night. If I lift something or strain, I leak. But I also found that after I figured out how to (sorry) masturbate, my leakage seemed to improve quite a bit. Way personal I know but I didn't think I was able to Get It anymore but you can with a little different approach. Still working on ED issues. Viagra isn't helping at all. Don't give up. There is light at the end of the tunnel! Good Luck!
Glad to hear there's hope!

Praying always helps!!!

Thanks, claimsdude and continued success to you...slowly, but surely, right?!!

I am on cialis now...I see her, but she isn't doing me any good...yet. Just taken for about a week so far, though.

Maybe there's still hope!
I am recounting my experience - I am NOT a medical professional.
Penile Rehab / Penile Therapy - Just my experience. In another post someone asked about Penile Therapy - I though it would be good to start a post for use to share our experience.

Updated June 29, 2022 - Prostatectomy Sept 2020 age 55; Male Urethral Sling Surgery Sept 2021

My penile rehabilitation.

1) tadalafil (generic cialis) 10 mg daily (started day catheter was removed)

2) Bathmate HydroXtreme penis pump - started at week 9

3) Trimix penial injections - started at 6 months (doctor wanted to start sooner, but I need more time to mental adjust to inserting a needing into my penis).

At 9 1/2 months, I have some natural erections using daily 10 mg tadalafil (generic cialis purchased using GoodRx (prescription required)). I use the Bathmate HydroXtreme penis pump 3 to 5 times a week (extreme has a hand pump) (link below). I started Trimix penis injections at 6 months. Using Trimix once or twice a week, I was able to have an erection without Trimix starting around 8 months after prostatectomy. I still use the Trimix once a week (March 2021 to Sept 2021).

At 9 1/2 months, I am incontinent leaking about 20 ounces a day (4 pads a day).

1) Just after treatment (prostatectomy) Daily cialis is about getting blood flowing to the penis. It took 3 months to notice any firmness about 50%. I use GoodRx to find a good price - a grocery chain store pharmacy had the best price for me.

2) My urologist recommended the Bathmate penis pump. Unless you have a firm pelvic area, you will want the Bathmate with the hand pump - HydroXtreme. I went from 5 1/4 inches before prostatectomy down to 4 inches, then back up to 4 3/4 inches after using the Bathmate pump for 3 months.

The Bathmate HydroXtreme pump is more about penile rehabilitation than producing an erection to constrict (ring to hold erection) and try to use for sex.

I sit on the corner of my tub with cups of warm water to fill the cylinder (about 100 degree). The instruction are to pump for 3 minutes, massage for 2 minutes (I use shampoo plus conditioner to reduce friction), and repeat twice for a total of 3 times 15 minutes.

The Bathmate uses water in the cylinder and seems to work on girth more. I am not looking to get bigger than I was, just to restore my pre prostatectomy size.

Bathmate website - sign up with your email to get 20% to 30% off.
Get the Xtreme because of the hand pump. I purchased the comfort cushions to reduce the chance of pulling a testicle into the pump (very painful). The size of the cushion ring goes with the size of the pump.

YouTube search for instruction - note - most are not using the pump for rehabilitation.

I also purchased the Vacurect. I used it a few time with the rings, but the ring to hold an erection was to constricting. I also used it a few times for blood flow (pump 2 minutes, release 2 minutes). I prefer the Bathmate.

3) Trimix injections - I had a difficult time starting and using these. I was shaking inserting the syringe at first. Do NOT use an auto injector - it was not the thing for me to do. I had to stop for a while because I was putting too much mental pressure on myself to use the Trimix when I was not ready.

I also had concerns about using Trimix for every erection or orgasm. I would use Trimix, then not feel like trying for an orgasm for 5 days. That was okay. After 6 weeks on Trimix, I noticed on the days trying for an orgasm without Trimix that my erections were getting firmer and at 8 weeks of using ( month 8 ) I was getting to 90% hard.

Trimix is ordered from a compounding pharmacy. It comes in a 5 ml bottle. My initial does of 0.15 cc or 0.15 ml produced a 6 hour erection. Some member in the Facebook group (link below) also reported that they had to return to the doctors office. Make sure you get your initial dose in the morning so that if there is a problem, you can return to the doctor. After 4 hours, I contacted my doctor - I took 4 30 mg Sudafed (the 4 hour pill not the 12 hour pill).

I found that 0.05 cc gave me a 4 hour erection in the beginning. You can prefill a few syringes. I found that adding an extra 0.05 cc for storage. Before use, you shake the syringe and squirt out the extra trimix. (Trimix is compounded and needs to be shaken before each use for better results.)

Trimix tips
0) Trimix is stored in the refrigerator or freezer
1) comes in a 5 ml vial
2) make sure the order comes with 20 to 40 syringes
3) Ask the doctor to include the "Undo" injectable or pills so that you do not have to go to the emergency room.
4) Have 30 mg generic Sudafed tablets on hand (After my 5th time injecting, I started taking FOUR 30 mg Sudafed tablets after one hour.)
5) I found eating and drinking 32 ounces of water worked better than the Sudafed at deflating the erection. Part of it is that I am taking my attention away from the erection. I will watch an hour of Television.

I signed up for too many Facebook Groups and had to select a few that were more suited for me. Some groups as new members join will trigger PTSD for reliving the post prostatectomy trauma, sadness, and anger of the side effects of prostate cancer and prostate cancer treatment.

Facebook Groups - these are Prostate Cancer Groups that are for members only - you have to join the group and your messages will only appear in the group and not on your Facebook home page.

Search Facebook Groups

A wealth of information - thank you!

Not sure I'm ready for any of that yet, but good to know...I had no idea about any of that except the generic cialis and a penis pump, but no idea about the hand pump or any of the rest of that.

I give myself Ozympic diabetes shots, but this sounds like a lot more involved. I am not afraid of needles at all, but seems a lot to this Trimix, but sounds like it works...

At lot to take in and ask my Dr. about...so Thank you!!!

pegasi99 said:
So sorry this has happened to you. Understand why you are discouraged & depressed. It's okay to vent here. You'll read about a number of men who have had issues with their prostate & prostate cancer. Recommend that you hook up with a psychologist or a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) who practices Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). I'm seeing a LCSW & doing CBT with him right now. It's amazing -- the difference between a therapist who does not use CBT & one who does. I'm discussing my upset at having Overactive Bladder & Fecal Incontinence. Wish you well!
iuwogeo said:
Hi all,

I am a 54 year old male and due to my PSA test (thankful that my company has such great benefits and on onsite clinic/doctors/labs that provide regular well checkups and screenings) and subsequent biopsies/MRI, I found out I had prostate cancer. If not for the test, I would never have known - until my surgery, I had absolutely no symptoms...no urinary issues, no sexual issues.

At first, I was told that I had a slow-growing non-aggressive cancer and for a year, we did Active Surveillance. Next step was an MRI, followed by another more in depth biopsy...found out that the cancer was worse than at first and it was time to act. I talked to urologists: first, a radiologist...then a surgeon. I decided on surgery as it was explained to me that if I did the surgery, it could be robotic and if necessary, I could go back w/ radiation afterwards, but not the other way around. Robotic surgery was not possible after radiation and I would need to see a specialist in another city if I needed a prostatectomy after radiation, so I elected the surgery.

I was told about the possibility of sexual/erectile disfunction and possible incontinence, but NOT the EXTENT of it. PLUS, now I am being told that after the biopsy of the prostate, lymph nodes and seminal vesticals, my cancer was considered stage 3 and MOST stage 3 patients have to follow up surgery with radiation.

I was not prepared for any of this. Incontinence is BAD and pretty extreme right now. I have no sexual functions and I am very worried about additional radiation procedures. I am good battling pain, being tough, etc...but I can't do anything about all of this, feel helpless and honestly, depressed.

I am not even 2 weeks removed from surgery and so I realize I have to give my body time to heal. I am doing the Kegels exercises (started at doctors suggestion even pre-op) and I am trying to realize it just takes some time, but it is HARD - not physically, but mentally and spiritually!

So, that is my story. I am a Catholic Christian, so I have my faith, which is HUGE, but just very frustrated and depressed right now.
SCARED/Prostatectomy scheduled in a few days
Hi guys. 67 and I've never been afraid of anything; but I'm afraid now. The cancer has to be taken out. 2 Gleasons "4+4" and a bunch of "4+3"s. Today is Thursday. Surgery is scheduled Wednesday.
What should I be doing to prepare. I have never been incapacitated in my entire life. Reading these posts have brought me to an understanding of what my reality will be post surgery. I am dreading my future reality. It seems like depression is an inevitability.
Bgh, depression is definitely NOT inevitable. It's great that you'll be getting the cancer out of you. Hopefully it hasn't spread and you'll live a nice long life, like an overwhelming majority of RP patients. Yes, there are after surgery issues, but for many (most?) they are temporary. Those who are back to normal aren't in this forum. Those with longer lasting issues are here for ideas, support, etc.
As for what to do to prepare, I would buy pull-ups (I use Depends) and lots of heavy pads (Depends, Prevail, amazon's brand), enough for 3-4 a day. Sign up with a physical therapist asap to do pelvic floor exercises, it should shorten your timeline to recovery.
Best of luck!
Thanks for the encouragement guys. It's Monday, 4:25 pm. My surgery is Wednesday morning. I need all your prayers guys.
+God+bless+ Bgh - hope surgery went well!

I also do not think depression is inevitable - it is good that you found this forum pre-op. I believe my depression was due to just not knowing the extent of the temporary post-op issues. If I knew and was mentally prepared, I think I would have fared a LOT better. My Dr. mentioned these things, but not the extent of them and left out some things entirely!

Depression-wise, I am a lot better now...but there are good days and not-so-good days. One day at a time!

Please keep us posted on your progress post-op! Praying for you!!!
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