proton radiation U of F Jacksonville,Fl


Staff member
One year after robotic prostectomy my PSA was still going up , radiation was recommended , I chose to go to Jacksonville, Fla and get proton radiation. Approx 36 treatments no side affects , psa stable at 0.40 . Still incontinent since surgery, wear one or two pads for day and mostly one heavier one at night. I like Tena pads but also use ABRI MAN pads. Since radiation ,urge to void needs to be addressed urgently or else you know what. That's the only side I have , can't say enough good things about Uof F proton, an amazing experience and they cure other cancers too. Had I to do it over again , I would have chosen Proton as first form of treatment. Incontinence has become part of my life , its bearable and I am still alive, thank GOD . Life is pretty good.
Great that you are in good health!! Incontinence is part of my life, too, and it's bearable, but I don't have a good attitude about all the work involved to take care of myself.
I had high-dose rate brachytherapy in 2011 for prostate cancer, and had to have calcium stones and necrotic tissue removed via TURP this past January. My incontinence is getting better, but I've had repeated urinary tract infections that have delayed my recovery. The reason for my post is to let you know about a book I read that documents an incontinence therapy program for men who have had a prostatectomy. I am only into Week 3, but I have been very impressed with the program, and feel I am starting to make some headway. The book is "Life After Prostatectomy and Other Urological Surgeries" by Vanita Gaglani. I got it from Amazon for like $10. Once I complete the program I intend to post more details about my experience, but you may want to go ahead and check it out. Good luck!
two weeks ago I had a small bowel obstruction , worst pain I ever had , it cleared in the hospital , but now have loss of bowl control at night . I thought stopping Metformin would help , well , it stopped the severe diarrhea , now i have fecal incontinence at night . what to do ???/
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