One year after robotic prostectomy my PSA was still going up , radiation was recommended , I chose to go to Jacksonville, Fla and get proton radiation. Approx 36 treatments no side affects , psa stable at 0.40 . Still incontinent since surgery, wear one or two pads for day and mostly one heavier one at night. I like Tena pads but also use ABRI MAN pads. Since radiation ,urge to void needs to be addressed urgently or else you know what. That's the only side I have , can't say enough good things about Uof F proton, an amazing experience and they cure other cancers too. Had I to do it over again , I would have chosen Proton as first form of treatment. Incontinence has become part of my life , its bearable and I am still alive, thank GOD . Life is pretty good.