Post robotic surgery


Staff member
I am 10 weeks post robotic surgery. Night time was good at 3 weeks. However, I've been discouraged with daytime incontinence. I could never feel any bladder pressure...until I stood up from a chair. I've been wearing Depends plus a max pad from the day the catheter was removed. The Depends have gone from 4-6 a day to 1 a day. The max pads were 6-8 a day down to 2-3 a day. This is the first week I've felt urgency during the day....a huge relief. Just remember, every person heals differently at their own pace. I walk 2-3 miles everyday, 10-30 kegels per day, Tai Chi and QiGong exercises on You Tube, pray, meditate, acupuncture and eat a plant based diet. I'm not where I want to be but thank heavens for improvement. If you're discouraged, please believe you will get better....because you will. God bless.
Congrats on your progress ididntthink.

It almost sounds like the slow and steady approach is what works best after robotic surgery.

All the best to you for your continued recovery. :)
Thanks for your post. I am on day 15 from Prostatectomy and day 8 post Catheter. I drink a lot of water and am using a lot of pads. I opened a new topic because the first 3 days got to me.

At this early stage for me, hearing your experience and your struggles helps. I can relate, I too do not have much feeling in the pelvic region, I feel the warmth of the release or void.
3 months is fairly routine to get back to normal. All are different. A psycial therapist who specializes in incontinence therapy can be very helpful. I have been there.
Hi @ididntthink, It looks like you're doing everything you should and then some! That's great! :D Although I haven't had the prostate thing (at least not yet) the advice for post-surgery is basically the same no matter what surgery you have. Remember, surgery is invasive and it takes your body quite awhile to recover from it. That's a fact!And if you're progressing a bit slower than your neighbor or brother in law, then so be it! You'll get there!
There are still other things to do: your exercises and kegels and keep after them day after day after day or however long the doctor prescribed.
Also as we all know that everybody recovers at a different rate. There is no one size fits all here!
And anyone who's read my posts knows that I'm a great believer in walking. It's a wonderful low-impact aerobic exercise and can really do wonders and make you feel wonderful to boot! Set your course and try to do more each day than you did the day before!
When you go for your walks you'll enjoy fresh air and will see and hear things that you wouldn't if you drove.
And congratulations everyone on your progress! Keep up the good work!:D
Hello ididntthink
Wishing you a speedy recovery. I’m about 7 months after robotic surgery and haven’t had any improvement yet. I go through about 12 to 14 maxi pads a day. I work full time and I’m on my feet throughout the day. Both during work and after. Slow recovery for me I hope yours is much faster.
Eight months post surgery. Nights are dry but go through 4 to 5 pads during the day. Am being patient but getting discouraged.
I’m +7 weeks out from non-robotic surgery. Noticing slow improvement during the day. Transitioning away from depends underwear to pads. 3/day right now. My complaint right now is a sporadic, weak stream when I do try to pee. I’ve got a cystoscopy scheduled next week for my urologist to check out my bladder (bladder cancer from 5 years ago), so hoping doc will shed some light on what’s going on. I completely agree with importance of walking. I’m planning on short dirt bike ride this weekend too. Physical activity good for both mind and body. Everyone keep the faith and be patient. Not an easy task!
@Sonorarider, I think you got it down pat! When you have your cystoscopy next week do ask the doctor about the sporadic weak stream.
Wishing you the best for that visit! :)
Hello, 16 months post surgery, tried therapy etc. I am coming to grips that 3 heavy pads a day may be the best it will get. Every one is different but RPS is a life changer. I was 3+3 for 8yrs, year 9 stage 3 cancer, they took everything and now showing my psa beginning to increase. Hang in there, try to enjoy life now. You never know what tomorrow will bring.
I'm post robotic surgery 2 years now, still leaking and using about 6 depends during the day and down to 1 over night. Have been seeing a physical therapist specializing in this type thing. Have seen a little improvement but am wondering if after this long out if there is much hope getting any normalcy back. Anyone else this far out and still having problems? I am very active walking 3 miles every morning, seems like leakage is less when I am active versus just relaxing watching tv. Envious of you guys that are pretty much back to normal after shorter periods of time, but realize everyone is different.
Just keep on walking, @henbo! I'm a big believer in just walking, no matter what type of procedure you had. And what you said about leaking being less when you're active is proof positive that taking a nice walk is really the way to go!
Six Depends a day is quite a lot. It might be better to use a higher capacity diaper and not have to change as often and thereby be much less intrusive in your day-to-day living.

A great source for excellent quality diapers and pull-ups is Northshore Care Supply. They will even send you samples and they have an excellent chat/help line.

Better quality protection could reduce your number of changes to just two or three a day. Obviously it won't reduce your leakage but it may well provide much better protection against leaks and therefore an improvement in your quality of life and may even reduce the cost a bit. Hope this helps!
Thanks for the input. It does get pricey with the depends using 6 or 7 a day. I'll have to give that a try.

After 4 years leaking was a constant problem. I tried multiple things to correct my condition such as walking, exercises, Kegels, pads, clamps, acceptance, but my life rotated around controlling leaking.
I reach out to a specialist in Urlogy and he reviewed my case and offered 3 choices. 1) Accept what you have and move forward. 2) A synthetic sling that is surgically inserted to support the bladder and urethra tube.
3) A mechanical sleeve that is surgically placed around the urethra tube and is opened and closed with a button that is inserted in your testicle sack. Yeah
The third choice is the gold standard for incontinence and the one he thought was best suited for me.
The gold standard takes 2 weeks with a catheter, healing takes 6 weeks before the device is activated and the device has a life span of 8-10 years before replacement is needed.
I said I’ll try door #2
I’m 2 weeks post sling surgery, had a catheter for 2 days, you are sore for a good 2 weeks but the good news is that I virtually haven’t leaked, except acceptable dribbles. No pads no clamps, just old fashioned peeing on demand.
Now 2 weeks isn’t a very long time to claim success but I am hopefully. The sling isn’t for everybody but it could be a viable option for some.
May look into that, hope it works out for you. I'm kind of leary about having more surgery though. After my robotic prostatectomy I ended up with blood clots in my leg and lungs. Then about 6 months later one of the incisions didn't heal right and I had to have an incisional hernia repair done. Ended up with anesthesia induced afib. So now I am on a blood thinner and statin for the rest of my life.

Similar track here. I was really distrusting with the medical industry after my prostatectomy because they really down played the incontinence aspect. 95% success rate, blah blah blah leak like a sieve.

I also had a abdominal hernia, had surgery to correct but no issue like you mentioned.

I was determined to accept my fate but 4 years of leaking made me more amenable to possible solutions. I don’t think I could do the implanted valve thing but you never know.

Regardless it gives you something to think about, I always want options.
I am 10 months post robotic surgery. I have tried therapy,had urethral bulking 2 months ago and still have no control .
I’ve used hundreds dollars of depends, pads,several kinds of external catheters. So far the Men’s Liberty catheter by Bioderm works best but you must use extra tape . The Afex is expensive because Insurance only pays for the basic appliance . I am active and have been embarrassed many times due to wet clothes. I like the walking idea but I have Cogestive Heart Failure and cant walk as I once did.
I read on here that there are pants and pad better than Depends. Does anyone have any suggestions.
I had bad nights (overflow from depends on Monday - minor and Tuesday - soaked the towel). Tuesday I clicked the link above for Northshore and will get my samples today. Northshore had been mention by several people. The fact that they will send samples - I think I am getting 3 heavy diapers, a diaper insert (similar to a pad, but pulls the moisture through the insert to the diaper), and a disposable bed pad.
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