Early Post Robotic prostate surgery Leaking Advice

Chesco. I would play around with PFM exercises meaning trying different variations exp. short fast squeezes and long 60 sec hold at 50 % squeeze and 75% squeeze, controlling relaxation until fully relaxed . Do it sitting and standing and lying on your back. This is just an example of what I do. Personally I have the most control while lying on my back I think the execution is much more controlled and reps are clean and full. I wouldn't skip any days if I were you . At times when my PFM get sore, I might do less reps or not squeeze it as hard and take a longer rest between sets.
If anyone is interested there is an online meetup.com group that meets the last Sunday of the month. He often hosts specialists that can provide great information.

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I had my surgery on 11/27/2023 and am now down to 1 thin pad a day. I don't use a pad at night which so far has gone well. My only issue now is light seepage during the day. My underwear is not wet but lightly damp. Will this go away gradually? and should I continue my Kegel exercises?
@ezspirit72 there’s no guarantee that it will go away but by continuing to do the kegels will keep your pelvic floor muscles strong and is the best way to hopefully get back to full continence.
RO surgery last Nov. 21 2023 and today I am down to using only 1 pad per day and a thin one at that. Very happy with the result so far.
Wonder if it will ever stop completely?
It sounds like you are right on track in your recovery. Hang in there and see how things are at 12 months out. Wishing you continued recovery!
Had RP three weeks ago, catheter taken out just over two weeks ago, at times I think I am on the up, other times no.
Sometimes it's just like an open tap?
Have been doing the Pelvic excercises but seem to leak more afterwards, did read some where holding your pee strengthend your pelvic floor muscles, but again with this business its hard to tell?.

Really want to get back to work, but I can't see it?, did try a dummy run day, not at work, wore a nappy, plastic underwear over,Y fronts, jeans,but about 8 hours later trousers, backside was soaking wet, what a carry on, plastic underwear seems to activate sweating, which adds to it all.
Luckily I managed to change out of sight, or else I could have been accused of being a flasher?.
If it was not so tragic, it would be funny I guess?.

I think we should be told more about being incontinent, I appreciate getting rid of the cancer is the issue, but at what cost? .

Not being able to earn a living?, really pisses me off, no pun intended .
Sorry to moan, I know I should be greatful, before this I was fine, could get an erection you could swing on, no issues peeing, did not even have Any symptoms, except being told I had prostate cancer, which I know is the big deal, now I can't work, can't get an erection, and can't stop leaking, haha, have to laugh, what else is there?.
@Robinc there is a long road of emotions and frustrations ahead. You need to pace yourself and don’t have unrealistic expectations. Stay positive and keep asking questions. Find a good physical therapist that is a pelvic floor specialist. Kegels are not enough. If you need to work (or even leave the house realistically) you should look into condom catheters. You might want to wear them 24/. But to make it through a work day they are life savers. Good luck. Lots of answers here, just ask.
You are VERY early in the RP process. It is often months until you see progress. Do your kegels and walk AMAP. I went back to work at 8 weeks wearing a condom catheter before seeing improvement at about 2 1/2 months. Nearly 2 years post and wear one thin pad per day now. ED still an issue but things could be worse. Have patience. That was very hard for me.
@Robinc. This is a journey. I will be the first to admit that I greatly underestimated the impact of the post operative incontinence even though my surgeon warned me. Recovery is a slow process and can take up to a year (or longer).You are very very early in the process of recovering. I know it’s hard but be patient, by choosing the most aggressive treatment you should be commended and hopefully you are and will remain cancer free. Just remember that should you not be where you want to be at a year post op there are many options that can help you regain continence and Ed recovery. Hang in there and hopefully you can get some solice from knowing many of us have walked the journey you are on. Wishing you the best and don’t hesitate to reach out.
Thanks Klew 11 for the reassuring words,I,m not a quitter, I will keep battling, many many here in the same boat as me, and not moaning.

I will look at other options?.
Good luck to everyone, anyone find something that worked for them, post for all to test.
Onwards and upwards .
Thanks Boomer59 for your kind words too, I guess we're all on a journey none of us would choose..

I did have the option of Radiotherapy, but my surgeon recommended surgery, with a view to a cure?.
Mind you looking at Radiotherapy the side effects, did not look good for that, he said even with a cure, your still left with a diseased organ in your body, possible fecal incontinence?,etc, hormone treatment,it seemed a much longer road to travel.
No easy fixes I guess?.
Once again, good luck to all .
Hello I hope you guys dont’t mind if I jump on this post. I am post op day 10. Catheter removed on day 8. So for the last two days I noticed no sensation to urinate. I leak and when I go to toilet very little urine comes out. I expected the leakage but the lack of sensation or urge is a surprise. Is that normal?
Sounds like your nerves needs time to heal also if you are like I was, by the time you get to the toilet there is nothing left in the bladder since all of it leaked into the diper or a pad whatever you are using. It will take time to heal ..I'd say your are like most guys after RP.
VAC55….i am 7 months after RP and I can tell you the first few days were a horror and I leaked a lot for the first few months but it is finally very manageable. Everyone is different but I now use only a small pad per day now instead of a few thick ones every day.
I wish you luck on your journey but I can tell you I am happy so far…. Scared like shit at the beginning and it was not really well explained to me what it would be like after the surgery but I forgive them now that it is manageable!
Yes what you are experiencing is normal. Your bladder needs to heal where they did the bladder neck reconstruction. Urine will flow in from your kidneys and yup - right on out. Give it time. Recovery time from RP is measured in weeks or months not days. As you begin to heal, and your bladder begins to start holding your urine again you’ll start to feel some of those old familiar sensations. For me I started being dry sleeping at about 2 months post surgery. For the next three months, I began to see some improvement while standing but unfortunately, my recovery stalled out at about 6 to 7 months post RP. I’m now dry at 2 year but only as I elected to get another procedure. Most people see pretty dramatic improvement by a year though. Hope this helps
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