Opinions on my friend’s suggestion


Staff member
I have one friend that I have told about my issues; the whole shebang. She is the kind of friend that I hope everyone has. I can tell her anything without worry of her spilling the beans. She suggested that until I get to the urologist and find out the recommendations that I should just not bother with holding it. She thinks I shouldn’t put myself through it. (holding it which can be painful) She figures it is just adding stress and I should go with the flow for the time being. Part of me is in the no way category but the other gets what she’s saying. Any thoughts, comments, and so forth?
I would be on her side in that the stress you are putting on yourself is not worth the added pressure. If store bought protection works awesome if not maybe order some online. Just my 2 cents. ;)
Has the VA not given you a proper urologic check up? You definitely want that!
And yes, anything that is hurting, stressing is no way to live.
Thirdly, love having a trusted friend that is wonderful
Urology check is coming fairly soon. This has been on going. I informed them of my wetting issues, It was like here’s some diapers guy in his thirties and we’ll see you at your next appointment. This was in early December I think. Three months later and I’m about 75% diaper dependent as in that’s about how much control I’ve lost. The remaining control ain’t that great. It’s why I always wear something. But yeah, that’s the va. Haha...sigh
Very very sorry, medical care in general sux unless you have excellent health insurance, then they treat you like a cash Guinea pig while they look soulful and order all the tests your insurance will bear.
So, the VA is providing a real urologist appointment then?
If you have health insurance through your job you might want to use it for a 2nd opinion. I am not impressed by the quality of doctors in VA.
In the meantime, cut out as much coffee as you can if thats your drink. Cut out alchohol and citrus juices like lemonade and soda. DO DRINK water. Your kidneys need pure water to flush out toxins its what they do. If you dont your urine will smell strong and so will sweat and saliva. Covering this with deoderant is not helping and dehydration is painful.
Get some booster pads the others talked about. You can google the company like northshore. They are VERY responsive and helpful. They will send free samples.
Drink water, it is your friend.
I'm so happy you have comforting support. It will help you cope some, it does sound like she wants you to rest and think happy things, like my PCP tells me and my caretaker too
Completely agree with Maymay especially re the drinking of the water. Also to go to the various suppliers of both pull-ups and diapers. One company you may not find is Tye Medical they will send you samples they are not for everyone, however, I find there to product system to be great since switching over to them I have saved a lot of money and I do mean a lot. Good Luck
It occurs to me that your new symptoms of dribble or spurt could be your kidneys trying to do their job of excreting every last bit of waste from your system BECAUSE you are dehydrated to the point of pain. The organs need clean water to function. They dont have a mind.
@Maymay941 The pain is more immeadiate and feels more like a contraction but honestly who knows at this point. These days, I can’t hold it long and I think I’m just going to stop until I see the urologist. Everyone seems to think that is fine plus it’s not like I have dry days any more. I rarely drink alcohol and soda is at a minumum. Even though I’m sure a urologist has seen more people in some form of diaper than most other doctors, that part still makes me nervous. No one has seen me in one but if I can get better, I’ll have to. Maybe I’ll get lucky and one magic pill will be a cure all. Haha
Hey there, it’s so nice to come here and get support and we are all here for the same reason to get support and give it back!! The one thing I will add is to remember to be patient and that this is a process to find the reason and find the best way to manage your health and mental health!! It took me over a year to come to terms with my UI and then I started talking to Dr’s and researching products and finding ways to manage but that was over 15 years ago and today’s products and information are 100 times better than they used to be, so just be patient and stay in touch here!!!!!!
Probably every place is different but having seen urology in and out of the VA, I thought the VA was better. They took their time. They don’t cover northshore products though.
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