Story of hope


Staff member
Hi everyone,
I recently spoke to someone who healed herself from frequent urination who had UC. She said she was told by a healer that it was caused by strep, and after changing her diet significantly and adding in supplements, 2 years later, she pees way less. She can now go on road trips, to concerts and has gotten her life back. Occasionally it surges and is a little more active but overall, she’s healed a lot. I wanted to share in case this brought hope to anyone. It has to me. Wish I knew all the details of her protocol but it sounded in depth and an extreme lifestyle change. But it worked for her and was worth it.
After therapy mind is much better. I get involved with other stuff and don't do my exercises all the time like I should and it comes back. Then I do the right stuff-good for a few weeks and it comes back. I believe we can change things but it is always there no matter what. I have so many other problems-it is hard to remember everything. Good Luck-I believe that everything is connected. I went to a physical therapist that teaches other therapist the protocols on how to help people with incontinence. Took my asking around on where to go. I had a friend that helped me with therapy on other stuff and he recommended them. It is good to know on who to go to. good Luck-also try the Internet-google healers and see what comes up-one just never knows. Also I when I lived in Northern IL-we had an acupuncture school about 35 minutes away. I went there quite a bite. That helped a lot. Keeping my weight down helps a lot also. Good Luck -Buena Suerte.
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