No control after Prostatectomy


Staff member
Hi, my husband had a single port robotic surgery 6 weeks ago. A catheter removed after one week. His incontinence seems severe compared to what I have read. We knew he would have incontinence but He says he is not even aware he is going until it's coming out. His brain does not seem to be signaling him that he needs to get up and go. I was wondering if that's what most men experience in the beginning. He goes through at least 6-8 diapers a day. He does kegel exercises and he has had a pretty good attitude. But He is getting discouraged because he was hoping for even a slight improvement.
Any input would be appreciated.
After prostate surgery most if not all men will have some sort of incontinence. It takes time to see improvement. Don't be disappointed or discouraged. Keep doing the prescribed excercises and everything will get better. Good luck.
@ptpms8 welcome to the forum. 6 weeks is still very early in the recovery from what is significant surgery. If you are able to encourage him to join the forum, he will find lots of men who have had the same surgery. Cheers Phil
Prostatectomies are the most common topic on this forum. Use the magnifying glass / “search” icon to find an exhaustive quantity of earlier posts, suggestions, and support.
Hi @ptpms8 There is no set recovery timetable for guys recovering from prostate surgery. Please remember, surgery is always an invasive thing and as such it takes your body some time to recover from that. Everybody is different and recovers at different rates. Not surprisingly it takes quite a while for improvements to be seen for everybody. In the meantime please keep up with all of the prescribed exercises especially the kegels. To this I'll add take a walk every day. I'm a big believer in walking as a low-impact aerobic exercise. Start off with a goal in mind, let's say a half mile or whatever you're comfortable with. And then by the week or every five days, increase to 3/4 of a mile and then to a mile. I think you get the picture!
In recovering from surgery, no matter what it is, or from a serious illness, do just a bit more each day than you did the day before. In other words just push yourself a little.
And Snow, right up above, is right in that prostatectomies are the most common topic here. There is plenty of info re suggestions and support.
I hope this helps!
Thank you all for answering me. I took your advise and started to search the different forums. I read to my husband your posts and others that are going through the same thing. I truly think these forums will help him and myself not feel so isolated with his recovery. I'm so happy I joined....
HE suggested we take a walk today!!!!
Thank you for your help
Hi @ptms8, And we are so happy you joined! :) This forum is like a family and everybody helps everybody else. With us around, there is no reason why anybody should feel isolated and think that he (or she) is the only person in the world with these problems. Far from It! And when you start taking your walks, you'll find it's a hard habit to break and if for some reason you miss a day, then you will move heaven and earth to get back out there even if for a short time! When you walk you see and hear so much that you miss when you're driving. So just measure out a course in miles and then have fun walking it!!!:D
I had a prostatectomy 4 years ago. After I had my catheter removed I drove home and drank a beer to celebrate. The beer literally when straight through me on to floor. That foreboding experience was my notification that I wasn’t in Kansas any longer.
Started an aggressive program of walking, weight lifting exercises and Kegel exercises with a physical therapist. Saw improvement but still required pads.
Transitioned from pads to clamps because I hated pads. Used clamps for 3 years but clamps are no cake walk.
Decided to look into possible solutions which amounts to either a mechanic sleeve that is inserted into your body or a synthetic sling that is inserted to support the bladder and urethra tube
I choose the sling and after 2 weeks I have required zero pads or clamps.
Actually after 4 years I have once again experienced a pressure signal than my bladder needs to be voided. So far the sling has been a great success.
The purpose of my long story is to say it’s a journey. The walking, the exercises, the pads the clamps, the surgeries it’s a whole world of attempts to achieve what you had previously.
My suggestion is to stay positive, not easy, keep pushing for a solution and know that the path you are on has been very well traveled. Good luck.
Very true, @dcraw34, it is a journey with some detours, setbacks, bumpy stretches and long straight stretches all thrown in! If one route doesn't work then try another route! And lots of people have traveled your way before and you'll find what works best for you!
@ptpms8 Just wanted to follow up.

I am on day 25 post Prostatectomy (Sept 24, 2020). I am 55. I too have no feeling except when I feel the warmth of the urine.

I have read many of the posts. It seems between 6 to 15 weeks is when things start to recover.

Please be patience, It is like real state is Location, Location, Location. Recovery is Patience, Patience, Patience and Time, Time, Time.
Agreed with all above from own experience. Walking was key to my success so far. I am 4 months and doing much better which I attribute to walking and my wife keeping me positive when things would go backward. Good luck and many prayers
I am close to 3 months post robotic prostatectomy. I am very close to being dry and only using one pad a day. I am still using a pullup at night just in case but that has been dry too. I spewed like Old Faithful at first and had little sensation too. I made sure I did my Kegels and walking. I gradually improved but there were ups and downs along the way. My sensation of needing to go has started to return over the last couple of weeks. All I can do is echo what others have said patience and consistency are the keys to all of this. I struggled emotionally with it but my wonderful wife has been a great help to me.

All that said I start external beam adjunct radiation therapy along with hormone therapy next week. Even though my first post op PSA was undetectable I did have involvement in one of my seminal vesicles so these therapies are needed to make sure all the bad stuff is gone. But one of the side effects is increased incontinence so I may take some steps back but if it beats the cancer I'm all for it.
It's 8 weeks today. My husband is starting to see some improvement. He stayed dry for over 4 hours during the day. I actually noticed him using the restroom more. Tomorrow he goes for his follow up since surgery
Hoping for good PSA results.
Shellknobcat wishing you health and success with your radiation therapy!!!
Hi just wondering would you have your prostate out or would you prefer radiotherapy if you had to choose again I have the choice. Thanks
What sealed surgery for me was when my Doc said if the radiotherapy did not work/take care of the cancer then surgery was not an option. While if the surgery did not take care of it I could continue with radiotherapy. That really sealed the deal for me. Post surgery incontinence was annoying (still can be when I don't take care of myself/eat bad, etc) but far in my opinion than the side effects/issues of radiotherapy.
My Doc suggested for me radiotherapy of 2 hrs/day 5 days a week for 8 weeks. That was daunting and then when he said if it did not work-surgery was not an option after radiotherapy-nope sold on the surgery. Also being 49 and a Gleason score or 7 pushed for surgery- high Gleason=more cancer and youth says possible for it to return later. As of 4 months check-0.02 PSA so initial signs are great.

Good luck and thoughts/prayers with you and yours
I am one month post RP and having frustrating daytimes.
I seem to leak constantly during the day and wear a Depends with a pad 24/7.
Interestingly I feel the urge at night and get up a few times and mange to stay pretty well dry in bed.
But leaking during any movement during the day seems to be my biggest issue. That includes walking the dog.
I like to hike but I’m staying pretty close to home for the time being. Covid is making a great excuse for avoiding meetings and socializing.
I realize it’s early for me and timing is different for everyone but I would like to know more about medication and surgery if I can’t get control.
It sounds like the “sling” could be an option at some point.
@Dwb Welcome to the group.

Hopefully you have found the search magnifying glass to the left.

Look at my profile by clicking on my name - I have a few jpg of text documents that you might find interesting.

Below is a link on the male sling. In general, the doctors require 12 months before explore the male sling.

In general many in this forum post prostatectomy, begin improvements 8 to 20 weeks. You are ahead of me by being dry at night. I am at 10 and a half weeks. I am using 3 pullups and 3 pads a day. The third pullup of the day, I use pads in it until 7 pm, then use the pullup.

Hopefully you are doing kegel (pelvic floor) exercises. At your follow up visit, you might want to ask your urologist about Pelvic Floor physical therapy. At my week 8, my urologist is working with my insurance for approval.

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