Fighting Incontinence after Prosatectomy

I would do the squeezes and kegels. The more you do, the more you control your outcome.
Good luck!
I am very surprised that anyone's Doctor would not have automatically told you that Kegels are THE
BEST way to prevent leaking!!!
Per chuck11's request I will do my best to share the exercises that I have graduated up to. They all have a name and I don't know whether this will translate on any other websites but I will attempt to give a brief description with each one. The important thing with all of these exercises are to try and keep your abdominals tight whilst doing them.

1."Bird Dog"...Set Up:Begin on all fours (knees and hands on the floor). Arms positioned directly under your shoulders. Straighten one arm and your opposite leg at the same time until they are parallel to the floor. Hold briefly, then return to the starting position. Then do the same with the other arm and opposite leg. That counts as one repeat. It is recommended to do 10 reps, 2 sets and do this 3 times per week.

2. "Quadruped Hip abduction and External Rotation" Might be named "Fire Hydrant" (per a dog cocking it's leg to pee)...Begin in same position as "Bird Dog. Lift one leg up and turn knee out to the side as far as you comfortably can. Return to starting position and repeat. Do 10 reps on one side, then do 10 reps with the other leg. Tip: Make sure to engage your core and do not let your hips rotate or drop to either side. Recommended to do 1-2 sets of these and for 3-4 sets per week.

3. "Standard Plank"...Set up: Begin lying on your front, propped on your elbows, toes touching the floor....Movement: Engage your abdominal muscles and lift your hips and legs up into a plank position, keeping your elbows directly under your shoulders. Hold this position 5-10 seconds depending on your comfort level. Tip;..Make sure to keep your back straight and maintain a gentle chin tuck during the exercise.

4. "Side Plank on Elbow"...Set up: Begin lying on your side with your feet stacked, resting on your elbow. Movement: Lift your hips off the floor so your body is in a straight line and your hips and shoulders are facing forward. Hold this position for 5 seconds if you can. Reps: 3-5 each side. 3 Times per week. Tip: Make sure to keep your head in line with your trunk, do not let your hips drop towards the floor, and do not roll forwards or backwards during the exercise.

I have more but thought it might be best to start with these. They can be very challenging but please do not overdo it if these are too difficult. Only do what you are capable of and will get the most benefit from.

In closing, I will say that I'm not the most I.T savvy but if I can get pictures of these and other exercises I will attempt to include those in future posts. I hope that this will greatly benefit anyone who tries them because I was so thankful to find a professional who so brilliantly helped me.

Keep working on it gentlemen and best of luck to all!!
Anxious, I thank you for taking the time to describe those exercises in such nice detail. I've done basic kegals in the past, but not much else. It’s time to get my butt in gear and branch out to some new exercises! If you’re able to list some additional exercises in the future, that would also be much appreciated. My guess is that there are a number of us here who have gotten a little lax. Now's a good time guys to push for improved continence. My best to you all.
I agree with @Chuck11;

I too have gotten lax on my exercises. I did some kegals this past week on some of my bad urgency days - and then basically fell off a cliff from doing them.

Overall, maybe I just don't think about it or I don't get in the habitual habit of doing them - but I know deep down I need to for my own bladder control purposes.

Part of me wonders "why bother" when you live with a condition that may be for the rest of your life - but again; I have to also look at myself in the mirror and tell myself I do not want to have to wear diapers.

Thank you Chuck and Anxious - will definetly take note of the different exercises.

Blessings In Christ,
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