Good evening, Snow, and also jrpoorman, I'm happy that you are taking the bull by the horns and getting into the dating world. It's true, many decent guys out there couldn't care less if you have bladder or other physical problems for that matter. They just like who you are and admittedly it takes the more mature people to really appreciate "the real you." They're the ones for you. The other ones, you can well do without! And the more mature ones are the type to stick with! And please don't let your recent venture discourage you. There are other worthwhile guys out there. If not,you will find out soon enough and you can say "good riddance!" I've been there and done that, believe me! And jrpoorman, I liked what you said that there are more sweet people than jerks in this world. And that sentiment holds especially true during this very challenging and rough time in our history! I'll definitely keep that in mind as we wade through all of these trials and tribulations going on. And we should open a new thread on the just being sexy and attractive. Ideas? Then it's your go and I will respond. And Snow, I think you are on the right track!!!! You'll do just fine!