New term for diapers.

No, diapers are definitely not a fashion statement - they’re the opposite. Unfortunately when it comes to a female trying to tantalize a male, lingerie and skimpy panties are a very important part. So no sex for women with incontinence, totally out of the question. Thus, I gave up on dating five years ago when my accident happened. It’s pretty weird, definitely financially nearly impossible, to survive as a single female.
Hi Snow, people are involved in accidents or have illnesses all the time but they still have dates and enjoy relationships. And yes, they still can have significant others, too. And many people who have had those misfortunes can and do get married. So please don't count yourself out! I think what I'm saying is incontinence does not and should not preclude having relationships at all. Incontinence does not define a person although it is a part of that person just like every other part. The sum of those parts is far greater than that one part that may not be so great (at least in your eyes). I hope this all makes sense to you as I hate to see anyone give up on dating or think that they are not attractive to others. I'm sure in your case nothing can be farther from the truth! If you're worried about how others, like a potential significant other, will perceive you then please don't be! You can still present your best self to someone else. That accident you had didn't take your "best self" away from you. A potential mate or friend will most likely like what he sees and who he sees in you. If things start to develop then you can say, "I have something I need to tell you...." Then if he shies away from what you tell him then the onus is on him. It's his loss and not yours at that point. It's not on you! After all there is a beautiful person in there and you have the power to bring her out to others. I hope this all makes sense so please rethink having the need to give up on dating, like you did five years ago. I'm sure you are still date-worthy and there is someone out there who will appreciate you just as you are. Time to think positive??? You betcha!!!
Hi Snow,
I get it but most folks don’t care about if you have a leak or have different underwear.
And you can always wear something nice over the protection. Just saying. No need to loose out on life’s most precious moments because of a health issue.
I learned that beauty is the person themselves, all of them entirely, inside and out. Intimacy, even without sex is so important for our well being.
No point in giving up on having a significant other that may just love you more than you ever thought possible.
The first time I had to tell someone I leaked I figured that was the last time I would see them but we ended up being together for years. There are more sweet people than jerks in the world. Some times it just takes a while to find the right ones. Nothing wrong with that either.🙂
Thanks for the post. We should open a new thread just on the being sexy topic.
@jrpoorman Thank you for your understanding and perspective. You’re right. I recently (February through April) finally, shockingly, delved into the dating world when a guy insisted - and very much to my surprise and delight, he didn’t mind any of my bladder problems, day or night. Whew! Guys like that actually exist! Such a relief! We broke up, but not because of anything to do with my bladder, thank goodness! So you’re right, the good guys are worth waiting for and they *do* exist.
Good evening, Snow, and also jrpoorman, I'm happy that you are taking the bull by the horns and getting into the dating world. It's true, many decent guys out there couldn't care less if you have bladder or other physical problems for that matter. They just like who you are and admittedly it takes the more mature people to really appreciate "the real you." They're the ones for you. The other ones, you can well do without! And the more mature ones are the type to stick with! And please don't let your recent venture discourage you. There are other worthwhile guys out there. If not,you will find out soon enough and you can say "good riddance!" I've been there and done that, believe me! And jrpoorman, I liked what you said that there are more sweet people than jerks in this world. And that sentiment holds especially true during this very challenging and rough time in our history! I'll definitely keep that in mind as we wade through all of these trials and tribulations going on. And we should open a new thread on the just being sexy and attractive. Ideas? Then it's your go and I will respond. And Snow, I think you are on the right track!!!! You'll do just fine!
Okaaaay, expelled fluid containment garments works for me. I mean if you told someone "not in the know" about wearing them or whatever, they aren't gonna know what in the world you're talking about! So let 'em keep guessing!
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