My Doctor's instructions

My doctors wanted me to empty my bladder every two hours during the day. Not at night. So far nothing has really worked.
Yup, Agreeing with some above comments, it's a nope on the doctor. But, hydration is important, just like sleep,so don't skimp on fluids...or sleep. The science, however, is something to consider. If you shut down appreciably fluid intake mid to late afternoon, by night time that fluid may be through the system creating a slight dehydrated state for bedtime...good so far. Another but...there's at least one doctor who will then say to drink a glass or two of water just before bed. Standing up, he argues, promotes through-put so to speak. When lying down, that new fluid is much better absorbed into the system, allowing you to begin anew the hydration process until the following pm.

That said, managing the remaining leakage with a soft silicone device that I've spoken of elsewhere here, is something to consider. If interested in that very rational approach, I can provide info on what works for me day and night, converting a three liner/day guy into a one liner every two days. Best wishes, Duane
Well ever since I have taken mental note of idea of waking and stopped fluids after a certain period I have been waking up multiple times at night before I wet the bed. I do know I am disrupting my sleep a bit. Hopefully this trend can keep up and then medication can allow me to wake up less. I'm not too tired in the day either although I cannot imagine it too good for me in the long term.
Glad its helping at this time, if the sleep youre getting is sufficient then its sounds like the pattern ascribed to older people who are known to get up to per frequently at night.
I wonder is a urinal next to the bed would make it easier to not have to get up snd walk across to the toilet
Yeah it seems to be working out fine so far. And mhm, a urinal would be quite convenient! Would be especially helpful if someone is in the bathroom. My brother and mother have very nocturnal sleeping habits
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